March 31, 2009

Breaking my own Taboo

Not too long ago I explained to you all that teddy bears are not 'created' they just 'exist'. I'm afraid I've broken my own rule and stepped foot inside a Bear Factory.

Now to be fair, it wasn't my fault. Rather than say 'stepped' in I should say 'dragged' in almost kicking and screaming. I chose a cheeky monkey and watched as he came to life before my eyes (even adding a beating heart). All I can say is I'm glad he still had a smile on his face afterwards - not sure I would have after I'd seen where the stuffing tube goes!

He now has a birth certificate, and a very loving Daddy (God I sound sad).

It was all part of my meeting with my Scrabble Buddy. A lovely day in The Trafford Centre, finishing off sat in an American Diner playing Super Scrabble. For the record I lost by ten points; mainly due to the fact I had to let her win. (Hee Hee)

Hopefully we'll be meeting up again very soon - either back in the North West or perhaps even down on the South Coast. Either way it's something I am looking forward to...

...but perhaps I'll leave the Scrabble board at home next time.

Not Quite the Wrong Type of Snow

A short entry, just to explain the bizarre reasoning the rail network is now giving for delayed trains.

It was suppposed to be a 4 hour trip from Southampton to Manchester. Everything was running smoothly until we arrived at Birmingham International station and we sat there for a while:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologise for the slight delay to the running of this train. This is due to a disabled passenger requiring assistance but the ramp is currently in use on another platform."

Ok, you can't begrudge a wheel chair passenger requiring a ramp, but you'd think Birmingham International would have more than one to go round.

One station later, Birmingham New Street. Again we pulled in, but again we just sat there:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologise for the slight delay to the running of this train. This is due to us waiting for a member of staff to get on board."

A member of staff?!? Which one? The driver? The buffet attendant? A guard? I hope they got disciplined soon afterwards for adding 15 minutes to the journey.

But we eventually moved on and then it was through Wolverhampton. As we pulled away we drifted to a stop in the middle of nowhere:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologise for the delay to the running of this train. This is due to trespassers on the line."

We never heard anymore about who or what was trespassing, I took the assumption it was kids or perhaps a rogue cow had strayed onto the line - it just meant in total we pulled into the final destination 45 minutes late....

...Good job I had a window seat with a power socket and my portable DVD player with me.

March 30, 2009

Tara Part II

You have to go waaaaay back for Part I, but it's sort of related.

After Jackie had brought me back up yesterday there was only one way to go, and that was back down again. I think it was more just the lack of proper sleep from the night before catching up with me. I was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself, but decided to text Tara on the off chance she'd reply and lift my spirits.
She did so much more than that, she actually took the trouble to call me and find out how I was.

It's so lovely to hear her voice, her soft Irish brogue. We chatted about little things, it didn't really matter what it was, it was just the fact I was speaking to a lovely human being. I did have to tease her though for the fact she still hasn't opened her Christmas/birthday present from me.... it's only been 3 months!

I know at the moment her life is hectic with a university course, work and two daughters to bring up, so it makes it even more special that she found five minutes to pick up the phone.
It's the next morning now, I managed a good 5 hours sleep (impressive for me) and I still feel ok. I know this is how I felt after chatting to Jackie, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can stay like this now...

...after all, Tuesday is only 24 hours away now.

p.s. I've used a picture of the back of Tara for the simple reason she would kill me if I put up a picture of her face without her prior approval. Don't deny it Tara, I know you too well!

March 29, 2009

Bestest Cookie in the Jar Part II

She has this wonderful way of cheering me up without even trying.

I was working late last night, fighting the urge to drop off to sleep at my desk. I had the prospect of a 6am start the next day when I finally got the chance to leave (coupled with the clocks going forward an hour). All in all it was a depressing moment...

...but then Jackie came online. We didn't exactly chat much, but within a few minutes we had arranged to go to a concert in the summer, discuss meeting up again for lunch/tea and chatted about my book. That was all it took to lift me.

I walked home, no, I 'bounced' home, with a smile on my face and I pretty much dropped straight off to sleep. I even woke this morning without my usual grumpy persona. I'm sure it won't last, but it's nice whist it does.

Added to this I finally get to meet my Scrabble buddy on Tuesday which I'm really looking forward to, and when I return from up North I can move into the larger bedroom with the non-broken bed. Not the biggest list of 'things to look forward to'....

...but it's all upcoming, and it all begins on Tuesday.

March 26, 2009

If You Go Down to the Woods Today: Part II

I told you teddies needed respect; they're not even afraid to spread their hugs in a war-torn enviroment:

Teddies off to spread the hugs

I'm not quite sure we needed a picture of the granny in front of the bears, she is kind of getting in the way.

So I repeat - rescue a cuddly as often as possible, give it a hug and it will hug you back. If you already own some cuddly characters, please ensure they are not alone, and have a reasonable view of the room they are in....

...This has been a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Teddy Party

March 25, 2009

The Show Must Go On

Actually, it's not what you think, it's not about me picking myself up and carrying on with living my life.... it's updating you all about my possible TV Quiz appearance :o)

Since I last spoke to you all about it I've had an e-mail and a couple of phone calls. At the moment I am waiting for a 'Basic Disclaimer' to arrive from a company in Scotland. It cost me £20, but all it does is officially confirm I am who I say I am, I live where I say I live and haven't lied about criminal convictions. (They must be raking it in....£20 just for that!)

..incidently the £20 is supposed to be refunded to me at a later date by the production team...

It's taking a while. At first the form told me I didn't need to send passport copies or proof of address as I had been at my present abode over 12 months. After about a week, I got a letter telling me I needed to forward on those exact things. Naturally I called the Scottish company who informed me I wasn't on the electoral role and therefore didn't qualify for exemption for supplying the info (or some such nonsense). None of this had been on the website or the form in the first place. (bloody beaurocracy). Anyway, the proof they needed was posted off and I sit and wait for the form.

Meanwhile I have had two calls. One asking was the form on it's way. I get the impression they don't care if it arrives, they just like to know I bothered to send off for it. The second call was to find out if I'd be willing to film for more than 3 days in a row...

...I was in a quandary here. Filming for multiple shows will of course be a great experience and a lot of fun - BUT appearing on multiple shows would imply I am one of the traders and NOT the main contestant (who I'm sure can't appear more than once). If I say I can film for long periods, does that mean I'm cutting off my chance to be in the hot-seat so to speak?

But I told them the truth. Yes, with enough notice, I can film for upto a week....

....They'll be getting back to me soon.

p.s There is still a slim chance I'm not needed at all, particularly if everyone they gave the thumbs up to is available, so I'm still not letting my hopes get too high

p.p.s If you've no idea what I mean by 'traders' and 'main contestant', you'll have to head back to a previous entry where I attempted to describe the show format to you all :)

My Magnificent Octopus Part V

It's been a while since I updated you on my book... then again it's been a while since I updated the book!

At the present moment we are just short of 100 pages in. There have been three murders, all with different MO's but with several distinctive things in common. DCI Morgen is currently barking up completely the wrong tree (although that is soon about to change) and DS Krake is being as helpful as he can be.

Morgen is also attempting to start a relationship with a local barmaid, but keeps getting interrupted by the case. So far, there are about a dozen characters mentioned, but none of them stand out as a suspect (although Morgen does seem to have a personal vendetta against one particular person).

The next block of the book is written in draft form. There will be a fourth victim soon, one that Morgen feels he could have prevented. This will send him back into a spiral of depression (although I haven't decided who or what it will be that drags him back out of it again).

In some ways I'm kind of looking forward to writing this part. It's no great secret I've been down as far as you can go myself in recent months, but I never really get a chance to express what it feels like, not from this side of the fence anyway. Perhaps, through Morgen, I can give it a go.

..writing the scenes between Morgen and his new girlfriend have been the easiest. I'm still waiting for my proof reader to offer me feedback, (hint hint Ali) but I was certainly able to put my brain in the right place and just flow right through the chapter without much soul searching. It just seems to be a case of picturing yourself with somone you would like to be in that situation with and describing as best as you can what happens...

...perhaps if the world of murder mystery doesn't suit me I should sign up to Mills & Boon instead!

March 22, 2009

Meet me at the Crossroads

I really don't know where I am again.

I've got my Maltese flatmate and for some stupid reason I'm bending over backwards to make sure he's happy. Anyone else would probably make it clear 'you're in my house, so it's on my terms', but of course I don't do that.

The training is going well, but I'm doing it on auto pilot. God knows if I'm missing something important or if he's taking it all in (he seems to be, so I'm semi confident, but I might not know what I missed til he gets back to the honeycombed chocolate place)

and most importantly I'm back to drinking heavily. That's not meant to sound like a good thing, it's either a symptom or cause of my feelings right now. I have an instinct it's a reaction to the Malta job offer, but coupled with that, the boss has been bombarding me with extra crap.... even though he knows I'm supposed to be teaching a new recruit. I can't get it through to him that he's dragging me, and therefore the rest of the company, down.

..and on top of all this, I'm having a crisis of feelings for someone. That bit I can deal with eventually, but until I do, it will still be a factor in everything I think or do....

...I sometimes wish my brain didn't live in overdrive.

March 20, 2009

Landmark missed again.

You see, in all the excitement and confusion I've missed the 200th blog entry. This is post number 201... so here is everything you never needed to know about the number 201.

The 201 is the name of a type of Japanese commuter train (I didn't say this was going to be easy)

201 in binary is 11001001 which happens to be the name of an episode of Star Trek: Next Generation (I promise you I'm not a geek, I had to look that up)

Talking of binary, any number that has an even number of 1's in it's binary version is said to be evil.... which includes 201 (because it has 4 1's). No really, it's true

In World Cup history, Brazil have scored 201 goals, Ronaldo being their top scorer with 14. (Don't I always get sport into this somewhere)

...and staying with soccer, Henrik Larsson's succesful spell at Celtic incolved 201 goals in only 254 appearances. soccer reference, Alan Shearer scored his 201st Newcastle goal against Portsmouth in 2006 to set a club record (although he did go on to score another 5 goals for the club before retiring)

Super Scrabble, the advanced version of the popular board game, comes with 200 playing tiles, but still only one board... making 201 pieces of playing equipment (ok, I'm not including the racks, but technically you could play the game without those)

R.A.F 201 Squadron claims to be the earliest squadron in existance as it can trace itself back to 1914 when it was the 1st squadron. (my military knowledge is shockingly poor, but I'm sure that makes sense to someone)

In Nottingham, the 201 Express Transit Tram has been names 'Torvil and Dean' in honour of the gold medal winning ice skaters. (They have nothing else better to do in Nottingham)

That's it, I'm stuck. These odd numbers are a bugger to find interesting facts about. Fingers crossed I don't miss 250 when it rolls around.

New Horizons

I've had my bonus, been promised a payrise and confirmed I am taking over the flat on my own....

..but I also got something else I wasn't expecting.

I met up with the boss on Wednesday and as promised he had a cash bonus for us all. Differing amounts for each person, based on experience and work performance (apparently) which meant I received the lions share. It fell right in the middle of the two figures I had in my head, the highest I imagined it would be, and the lowest I thought he could get away with. Certainly not an amount to sneeze at.

He also paid me a back-handed compliment. He commented that my own shifts on the rota seemed to be the worst, and that I shouldn't do it just to make the rest of the team happy. He then said though that the shops in Germany (the betting shops I do the work for) know when I have done an early shift because the work is always better, more complete and input faster than if someone else has been in since dawn. I wonder why he never bothered to tell me that before? Doesn't he realise compliments help keep morale up and improves performances?

But there was something else, something I wasn't expecting. When we got onto the subject of the flat he suggested I could always move to Malta. I always knew that if I said I wanted that, he would bend over backwards to allow me (the more staff he has over there, the better it is to keep the authorities happy). He made me an offer - an offer I can't refuse as Marlon Brando would have said.

All moving expenses covered by the company.
First month would be rent free (in the staff flat) while I look for my own place.
...and most importantly, a minimum of 1,000 NET per month extra on my salary.

Ok, I'd be paid in Euros, and if the pound gets it's value back it would mean my salary would be going down month by month, but it would take a long time before it was at the level it is currently at.

..I can refuse it though - moving to Malta is a big step. I'm not sure it's what I want to do. I may not like Southampton that much, but I do like being in the UK. My family is here, and I'm closer to IOM for my friends. I have people I want to visit more often in Bournemouth and Wigan, and happiness can be far more important than money sometimes...

...I'll keep you all posted.

March 16, 2009

Is it all Worth it? Part II

Should be a bit more upbeat than the first part. Well I hope it comes across that way.

Day after tomorrow, my boss/flatmate is over with the new trainee from Malta. We have our staff meal, and should get our cash bonus. If that isn't a reason to be upbeat, nothing is!

The trainee is staying with me in the flat, so I have 24 hours (ish) to get it into some kind of decent order. Fingers crossed the vacuum cleaner doesn't pack up on me. While my boss is over, we are supposed to be discussing my salary, and as it hasn't be assessed since I first came down her 15 months ago, I can only assume there is an increase coming.

So, with that in mind, and remembering I am now getting paid double for Sundays, I am going to stay in the flat on my own. Of course it will mean most of my extra income going into rent, but there are several benefits.

1. No need for public transport to and from the office. This also means early starts involve leaving home 10 minutes before the shift begins, not hours.

2. No need to move house. This is a HUGE benefit. The thought of packing up again and finding somewhere else to live is really unattractive.

3. I can move into the larger bedroom, with the better bed and more space. Could even be a chance I sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.

4. I can get my council tax reduced because I'll be living alone, rather than with someone else.

The only downside is paying all the rent, instead of half. By my calculations this will take up the extra Sunday payments (which I never really expected to get anyway) but I should still be better off if I do get any sort of pay-rise

All I can do is give it a try. If I can't cope with the extra payments I can always go back to plan A....

....or am I on to Plan J or K by now?

March 15, 2009

If you go Down to the Woods Today

Thought I would write a short entry about my philosophy on teddy bears, given a couple of incidents in recent days.

I do realise I am 34 years old, but at what point did a teddy bear come with a maximum age restriction on it?

Anyway, the first thing to 'bear' in mind is teddies are not 'created', they just exist. I don't want to know about the stuffing process, or jamming his eyes in. As far as I am concerned, they are just 'there', and always have been.

Teddies are very sensitive creatures. They don't like being left in dark cupboards, tossed on the floor, kicked under the bed etc. A teddy's natural habitat is in a bed, or failing that, on top of a cupboard where he can still get a look look around.

...but, teddies never 'bear' a grudge. If he does get mistreated, or left for a long time, his only concern when he is eventually picked up is where his next hug is coming from.

...which leads us nicely to a teddy's reason d'etre. The only thing a teddy needs is a hug. Why do you think they come into existance with their arms out wide?

A teddy is happy to listen to all your problems, and he will never judge you. They may discuss your problems between themselves when you leave the room, but to your face, there will be complete discression.

All teddies like to hunt in packs. They should never be left alone for any length of time as they may assume they have been abandoned. If they are at least kept in pairs they can hug each other if necessary.

So there you have it. My theory on teddies. Please don't mistreat your bears if you have some, and always be on the look out for bears that appear to have been abandoned. If you only do one thing this week...

....rescue a cuddly. They will be your friend forever.

March 12, 2009

Is it all Worth it?

I sometimes wonder whether I made a big mistake 4 or 5 years ago. If I'd declared myself bankrupt then I would have been debt free 12 months later, and although it comes with a huge stigma, that would have cleared by now.

There's a reason I mention that now.

I don't have the kind of personality that would consider bankruptcy as a solution, to me it's a cowards way out. I caused the debts and it's my responsibilty to fight my way out of it, but right now, I wonder if it's all worth it. My 'boss' is now starting to really get under my skin, and I'm not sure I can continue to work for him. Remember he's also my flat mate, although that looks like it's coming to an end and I refuse to share with a stranger. If I have to find a new place, there is no chance it'll be in walking distance of the office so how can I do the 6am starts?

I was lucky enough to be able to take Karen out for a meal and a few drinks last night. Have I introduced you to Karen yet? she's the one that pays my wage every month, but I know her well from the Isle of Man and I used to work with her daughter too. Anyway, after chatting to her for the night, it became clear that my boss is doing what all people do when they are not in control... they tell one person one story, but say the opposite to another in the hope he doesn't get found out.

Well unfortunately he has been found out, and it's not just the flat. He's been making himself look good to the owners of the company for a long time, but at other people's expense. He's been hiding his own errors and failures by lying to various people. I don't have evidence that I'm involved, but I'll give you good odds that I am. But what can I do?

The problem I have is he eats out of the owners pockets. They think the sun shines out of a certain hole and the language barrier means it's not possible for me to set them straight....

..Don't be surprised if I turn up on my parents doorstep with a packed suitcase full of teddy bears and a sad expression on my face.

March 10, 2009

"Hello? Is That Mr Gibson?"

I think I've mentioned before, I hate phone calls that come up on my mobile as 'Private number' and conversations that start with 'Hello, is that Mr Gibson?'

Well, not to worry this time. It was the call I was hoping for. Aaron, the guy who interviewed me on camera for the new quiz was calling to say I was definitely into the 'pot' of contestants (his phrase, not mine) They are making 50 shows, so I'm making the assumption it'll be a daily thing (like Deal or No Deal, or Weakest Link.) This also makes sense when you consider the top prize is 25,000. Not a sum to trifle with of course, but compared to weekly quizzes on Sky One, it's about a tenth of the usual jackpot.

So what's the next step.? I have to complete an online disclaimer form which will testify I have no criminal record and I am who I claim to be. It costs £20, but will be refunded by the production company. It takes about 2 weeks to come through, and I have to have it in the post by the 25th, so it's really cutting it fine time wise. I've already completed the application, so the ball is rolling.

After that, it's another waiting game. As soon as they can they will give me filming dates and travel details. They will also fill me in about my role, either contestant or trader. I've got everything crossed they want me as a contestant, but it's only a slim chance, given the number of people involved.

So there you have it. Job done. As soon as I get the show details you'll all know about it, and that will be my hat-trick of quiz shows. I can't say I have a 100% success rate because I have applied unsuccessfully for other programmes in the past, but it's not a bad hit rate....

...and there's still my possible cameo in Casualty to look out for :)

March 09, 2009

Wakey Wakey!

My first 6am start. God this is going to be hard.

I think I told you all in the Office Politics post that our company now operates from 6am. I think I also told you that I'd have to do most of the early shifts due to the fact my colleagues don't live close enough to the office to get here on time. Well today was my first attempt at starting the extra hour earlier and by God it was hard.

I probably didn't do myself any favours by going to a pub quiz last night. I didn't get home until close to midnight, and with my alarm set for half past 5 I wasn't going to get much sleep. When it chirped into life and stirred me, I was in big danger of turning over and falling back to sleep. At this time of the day, the world is ever so slightly darker, ever so slightly colder and ever so slightly quieter.

I didn't pass a soul on the way to work. There was still a bit of traffic, but only a handful of them were buses or lorries. The birds hadn't woken up yet, the milk-van was still delivering, the litter bins still hadn't been emptied.

My internal body clock was also an hour behind. When I thought it must be 10am and time for a snack, it was only 9....

...only 15 more of these early starts to go this month.

March 07, 2009

Office Politics

It's been a strange week or so recently. I thought I was on the brink of leaving work, but I've come out the other side slightly better off...

Work hasn't been the greatest in the past few days. Constant emails from my boss ordering changes to the make-up of the office. No sense of discussing it, or asking, just demanding. It can really lower your self esteem if you carry the title of 'manager' but never get the chance to 'manage'.

In all of this, most of the changes are against the contracts we've all signed, so rather than impliment any of them, I made a demand of my own... I told him I wouldn't change anything until we'd spoken in person. Face to face wasn't going to be possible for a while, so he called me.

...and that's when it all fell into place. Sometimes it's easy to forget he is German and his written english is poor compared to his spoken. Where he had 'demanded' and 'ordered' changes, in retrospect he was politely asking. There were also a list of benefits to be added to our work, which he had failed to bring up initially.

So, would you like to hear the details?

Firstly the 'bad' things.

The office is now to be manned from 6am, instead of the current 7am. Due to the fact I am the only member of staff in walking distance of the office, and public transport round here doesn't start that early, you can imagine who that affects the most.

Secondly, the 40 hour a week working contract we all signed is now to be ridgedly enforced. Before, we didn't take proper breaks (no one wanted to) but in return I was only expecting my colleagues to work about 35 hours a week. Now we all actually have to be working a full 40 hours. Not too much of a heart-ache, given the nature of what our day-to-day workload is.

Finally, holiday requests must be limited during the German football season. Not banned (as his original email implied), just kept to no more than a week at a time, and no more than one person out of the office at a time. Well we were already doing that, so again, no great struuggle to comply.

But now the goodies.

Firstly, he has a cash bonus to give us all for the hard work we've put in in recent months. Something I pressed him around Christmas time. He sometimes forgets we have access to the betting figures and can see the profits we've helped the company make.

Secondly, all work we do on a Sunday will now be paid at double rates. This is a huge bonus for us as on average we all work about 3 sundays a month (8 hours at a time). Over the year this equates to a full extra months pay.

Talking of extra months pay, the bonus we already got (called the 13th month in Germany) is now going to be official and added to our contracts. This is your usual monthly salary paid as an extra payment, partially in summer, and partially at Christmas.

Finally, bank holidays have always just been a day in lieu for us. Now we have the choice of having those as double pay instead if we prefer.

So all in all, it's ended up being an okay set of changes. The earlier start will be a struggle, but the increase in wages should be a small comfort. Coupled with that, he also hinted my salary was long passed it's review which could mean an extra increase is on it's way.

...finally, someone appreciates me :o)

p.s. I'm back in training mode soon. The Maltese lad I interviewed whilst over there is coming to Southampton to be trained. He'll be staying in my flat while he's here as my temporary new flat mate. Still no idea what's happening to it after that.

March 05, 2009

The Bestest Cookie in the Jar

Tuesday, my second day off work, and instead of Bristol I was off to 'sunny' Bournemouth to meet up with my bestie for the first time in about 6 months.

A lovely train ride through the New Forest brought me into the seaside town and there she was waiting for me on the platform. Hasn't changed a bit, maybe just ever so slightly more beautiful :)

We spent the first part of the day walking around the city centre, before stopping for lunch. Sadly this also coincided with the heavens opening so not much else got done this time. Of course we put the world to rights, both my life and hers and then got on to much more important randomness. Palindromes, the dangers of parking a bike in a city centre, drunk couples, measuring the square footage of a carpet, students with hippie hats, you name it, we covered it.

In between lunch and a few farewell drinks, Jackie took me to a Shake-Away. Not sure how wide spread these outlets are, but I had certainly never heard of it before. It's simply a milk-shake vendor but the flavour is anything your heart desires. They have a list of over 160 basic ingredients but they encourage you to mix and match to create your own flavour. Jackie opted for a snowball shake (you know, those mushy coconut things) and I had one made with cola flavoured Wham bars. Behind the counter there were boxes filled to bursting with all the other items they were prepared to stick in a blender for you.

After a frantic search for Jackie's bus-stop we said our goodbyes as she headed home to meet her midwife and I headed back to the train station in the pouring rain.

It's so nice to know she's only a short ride away. I get to see her bump grow month by month and I have my best friend back.... was like she'd never been away :)

p.s. Early on we had what my parents describe as a 'der der' moment. One of those times when two people's brainwaves suddenly develop amazing powers of ESP. Jackie said she was going to show me the most amazing thing in the world. Not exactly narrowing it down is she? My first guess...

You don't mean one of those places where you can make you're own teddy bear do you?

It's spooky how telepathic I can be sometimes.

March 03, 2009

Two TV Appearances.....?

Sorry these blog entries are not as frequent as they used to be, I'll try and pick up the pace again very soon. So, I guess you're all wondering how the audition in Bristol went yesterday aren't you.

The day wasn't going too well to begin with. I only just made the train on time (after missing the free bus by seconds) so I had to walk to the station. I had to kick someone out of my reserved seat when I did manage to get on board, and for the two hour journey I had the sun in my face. Grr

But I arrived at Temple Meads, followed my little printed map and found the hotel. I also found a group of about 50 people milling around the hotel reception. It seems as though half the south of England was being auditioned at the same time.

Registration took about 15 minutes for us all, then we were broken dwn into 4 equally sized groups. What followed was pretty standard for these things, (I'm getting to be an old hand at this) group games, one on one interviews, a written general knowledge quiz and a demonstration of how the actual show will work. Then the crunch moment....

After a short break whilst the researchers discussed us all, we were broken into two roughly equal groups. One group was taken into another room, while we were left seated. We knew this was the 'cut off' just like in the X-Factor, but we had no idea which of the two groups had made it through, and which were going home.... we were the successful ones!

So all that remained was to do another one on one interview, this time on camera and then wait for a phone call, hopefully within the next two weeks. By the sounds of it they need a lot of people per show, so there is a good chance I will be needed in some capacity, but of course the more there are on an episode, the less chance there is I'll actually come away with any money. But it was a great day and I didn't come away disappointed.

The title says 'two' TV appearances. As I was walking back to the station, I had my i-pod on and was a bit oblivious to the world around me. It was just after 5pm so traffic was heavy, bu there was one short stretch of road that had no traffic at all. Almost out of nowhere two ambulances came flying past me, full sirens and lights flashing, but instead of the noise disappearing into the distance, they stopped. A few paces on and I noticed the small stretch of road I was on was actually coned off with a sign saying 'filming in progress'. At the station I overheard a taxi driver mention that 'Casualty were out and about doing exterior shots again'. So in a few months, if you are watching Casualty and there is a shot of two ambulances tearing down a road, keep your eye on the background.....

....There might be a fat bloke in a black fleece looking oblivious to the whole thing!