March 29, 2009

Bestest Cookie in the Jar Part II

She has this wonderful way of cheering me up without even trying.

I was working late last night, fighting the urge to drop off to sleep at my desk. I had the prospect of a 6am start the next day when I finally got the chance to leave (coupled with the clocks going forward an hour). All in all it was a depressing moment...

...but then Jackie came online. We didn't exactly chat much, but within a few minutes we had arranged to go to a concert in the summer, discuss meeting up again for lunch/tea and chatted about my book. That was all it took to lift me.

I walked home, no, I 'bounced' home, with a smile on my face and I pretty much dropped straight off to sleep. I even woke this morning without my usual grumpy persona. I'm sure it won't last, but it's nice whist it does.

Added to this I finally get to meet my Scrabble buddy on Tuesday which I'm really looking forward to, and when I return from up North I can move into the larger bedroom with the non-broken bed. Not the biggest list of 'things to look forward to'....

...but it's all upcoming, and it all begins on Tuesday.

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