March 30, 2009

Tara Part II

You have to go waaaaay back for Part I, but it's sort of related.

After Jackie had brought me back up yesterday there was only one way to go, and that was back down again. I think it was more just the lack of proper sleep from the night before catching up with me. I was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself, but decided to text Tara on the off chance she'd reply and lift my spirits.
She did so much more than that, she actually took the trouble to call me and find out how I was.

It's so lovely to hear her voice, her soft Irish brogue. We chatted about little things, it didn't really matter what it was, it was just the fact I was speaking to a lovely human being. I did have to tease her though for the fact she still hasn't opened her Christmas/birthday present from me.... it's only been 3 months!

I know at the moment her life is hectic with a university course, work and two daughters to bring up, so it makes it even more special that she found five minutes to pick up the phone.
It's the next morning now, I managed a good 5 hours sleep (impressive for me) and I still feel ok. I know this is how I felt after chatting to Jackie, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can stay like this now...

...after all, Tuesday is only 24 hours away now.

p.s. I've used a picture of the back of Tara for the simple reason she would kill me if I put up a picture of her face without her prior approval. Don't deny it Tara, I know you too well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Mr Gibson, how is it u never text me when u need a lift, u shout at me for not doing!!! Keep smiling honey, u'll be beating me at scrabble in no time!!
