March 10, 2009

"Hello? Is That Mr Gibson?"

I think I've mentioned before, I hate phone calls that come up on my mobile as 'Private number' and conversations that start with 'Hello, is that Mr Gibson?'

Well, not to worry this time. It was the call I was hoping for. Aaron, the guy who interviewed me on camera for the new quiz was calling to say I was definitely into the 'pot' of contestants (his phrase, not mine) They are making 50 shows, so I'm making the assumption it'll be a daily thing (like Deal or No Deal, or Weakest Link.) This also makes sense when you consider the top prize is 25,000. Not a sum to trifle with of course, but compared to weekly quizzes on Sky One, it's about a tenth of the usual jackpot.

So what's the next step.? I have to complete an online disclaimer form which will testify I have no criminal record and I am who I claim to be. It costs £20, but will be refunded by the production company. It takes about 2 weeks to come through, and I have to have it in the post by the 25th, so it's really cutting it fine time wise. I've already completed the application, so the ball is rolling.

After that, it's another waiting game. As soon as they can they will give me filming dates and travel details. They will also fill me in about my role, either contestant or trader. I've got everything crossed they want me as a contestant, but it's only a slim chance, given the number of people involved.

So there you have it. Job done. As soon as I get the show details you'll all know about it, and that will be my hat-trick of quiz shows. I can't say I have a 100% success rate because I have applied unsuccessfully for other programmes in the past, but it's not a bad hit rate....

...and there's still my possible cameo in Casualty to look out for :)

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