March 09, 2009

Wakey Wakey!

My first 6am start. God this is going to be hard.

I think I told you all in the Office Politics post that our company now operates from 6am. I think I also told you that I'd have to do most of the early shifts due to the fact my colleagues don't live close enough to the office to get here on time. Well today was my first attempt at starting the extra hour earlier and by God it was hard.

I probably didn't do myself any favours by going to a pub quiz last night. I didn't get home until close to midnight, and with my alarm set for half past 5 I wasn't going to get much sleep. When it chirped into life and stirred me, I was in big danger of turning over and falling back to sleep. At this time of the day, the world is ever so slightly darker, ever so slightly colder and ever so slightly quieter.

I didn't pass a soul on the way to work. There was still a bit of traffic, but only a handful of them were buses or lorries. The birds hadn't woken up yet, the milk-van was still delivering, the litter bins still hadn't been emptied.

My internal body clock was also an hour behind. When I thought it must be 10am and time for a snack, it was only 9....

...only 15 more of these early starts to go this month.

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Getting out of bed and then out of the house is the hardest. Music on the way to work, then a nice hot cup of coffee when you are there. Don't let it beat you!