March 12, 2009

Is it all Worth it?

I sometimes wonder whether I made a big mistake 4 or 5 years ago. If I'd declared myself bankrupt then I would have been debt free 12 months later, and although it comes with a huge stigma, that would have cleared by now.

There's a reason I mention that now.

I don't have the kind of personality that would consider bankruptcy as a solution, to me it's a cowards way out. I caused the debts and it's my responsibilty to fight my way out of it, but right now, I wonder if it's all worth it. My 'boss' is now starting to really get under my skin, and I'm not sure I can continue to work for him. Remember he's also my flat mate, although that looks like it's coming to an end and I refuse to share with a stranger. If I have to find a new place, there is no chance it'll be in walking distance of the office so how can I do the 6am starts?

I was lucky enough to be able to take Karen out for a meal and a few drinks last night. Have I introduced you to Karen yet? she's the one that pays my wage every month, but I know her well from the Isle of Man and I used to work with her daughter too. Anyway, after chatting to her for the night, it became clear that my boss is doing what all people do when they are not in control... they tell one person one story, but say the opposite to another in the hope he doesn't get found out.

Well unfortunately he has been found out, and it's not just the flat. He's been making himself look good to the owners of the company for a long time, but at other people's expense. He's been hiding his own errors and failures by lying to various people. I don't have evidence that I'm involved, but I'll give you good odds that I am. But what can I do?

The problem I have is he eats out of the owners pockets. They think the sun shines out of a certain hole and the language barrier means it's not possible for me to set them straight....

..Don't be surprised if I turn up on my parents doorstep with a packed suitcase full of teddy bears and a sad expression on my face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't do it! Don't quit yet!
Do you want a translator??? Maybe you should adress your concerns with some higher power? At the end of the day all you are doing at the moment is go with what you are told by one person only and thats no good! There seems to be no communication and you have no alternative person to discuss things with. How can you trust that your concerns are brought forward by that one person?
Hope this makes sense... :/