March 03, 2009

Two TV Appearances.....?

Sorry these blog entries are not as frequent as they used to be, I'll try and pick up the pace again very soon. So, I guess you're all wondering how the audition in Bristol went yesterday aren't you.

The day wasn't going too well to begin with. I only just made the train on time (after missing the free bus by seconds) so I had to walk to the station. I had to kick someone out of my reserved seat when I did manage to get on board, and for the two hour journey I had the sun in my face. Grr

But I arrived at Temple Meads, followed my little printed map and found the hotel. I also found a group of about 50 people milling around the hotel reception. It seems as though half the south of England was being auditioned at the same time.

Registration took about 15 minutes for us all, then we were broken dwn into 4 equally sized groups. What followed was pretty standard for these things, (I'm getting to be an old hand at this) group games, one on one interviews, a written general knowledge quiz and a demonstration of how the actual show will work. Then the crunch moment....

After a short break whilst the researchers discussed us all, we were broken into two roughly equal groups. One group was taken into another room, while we were left seated. We knew this was the 'cut off' just like in the X-Factor, but we had no idea which of the two groups had made it through, and which were going home.... we were the successful ones!

So all that remained was to do another one on one interview, this time on camera and then wait for a phone call, hopefully within the next two weeks. By the sounds of it they need a lot of people per show, so there is a good chance I will be needed in some capacity, but of course the more there are on an episode, the less chance there is I'll actually come away with any money. But it was a great day and I didn't come away disappointed.

The title says 'two' TV appearances. As I was walking back to the station, I had my i-pod on and was a bit oblivious to the world around me. It was just after 5pm so traffic was heavy, bu there was one short stretch of road that had no traffic at all. Almost out of nowhere two ambulances came flying past me, full sirens and lights flashing, but instead of the noise disappearing into the distance, they stopped. A few paces on and I noticed the small stretch of road I was on was actually coned off with a sign saying 'filming in progress'. At the station I overheard a taxi driver mention that 'Casualty were out and about doing exterior shots again'. So in a few months, if you are watching Casualty and there is a shot of two ambulances tearing down a road, keep your eye on the background.....

....There might be a fat bloke in a black fleece looking oblivious to the whole thing!

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