February 26, 2009

Bristol Here we Come

Finally, the details for my TV audition have come through.

It'll be in a posh hotel in the centre of Bristol, about 10 minutes walk from the train station. Thankfully I've already got my train tickets (cheaper to buy in advance) so it's good to know I can walk to the venue.

There will be a general knowledge quiz, followed by some team games and if I pass that bit I'll be invited to do a small piece to camera. This is all very reminisent of the audition I took part in for The Weakest Link. I have ot take some references with me, so hopefully I can enlist the help of a couple of old work mates to write something nice about me and get it sent over by e-mail.

I won't hear if I've been unsuccessful, but if it gets to the end of April and I've had no word, then I can assume the worst....

...oh and the show is called 'Sell Me The Answer' in case you were wondering.

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