March 25, 2009

The Show Must Go On

Actually, it's not what you think, it's not about me picking myself up and carrying on with living my life.... it's updating you all about my possible TV Quiz appearance :o)

Since I last spoke to you all about it I've had an e-mail and a couple of phone calls. At the moment I am waiting for a 'Basic Disclaimer' to arrive from a company in Scotland. It cost me £20, but all it does is officially confirm I am who I say I am, I live where I say I live and haven't lied about criminal convictions. (They must be raking it in....£20 just for that!)

..incidently the £20 is supposed to be refunded to me at a later date by the production team...

It's taking a while. At first the form told me I didn't need to send passport copies or proof of address as I had been at my present abode over 12 months. After about a week, I got a letter telling me I needed to forward on those exact things. Naturally I called the Scottish company who informed me I wasn't on the electoral role and therefore didn't qualify for exemption for supplying the info (or some such nonsense). None of this had been on the website or the form in the first place. (bloody beaurocracy). Anyway, the proof they needed was posted off and I sit and wait for the form.

Meanwhile I have had two calls. One asking was the form on it's way. I get the impression they don't care if it arrives, they just like to know I bothered to send off for it. The second call was to find out if I'd be willing to film for more than 3 days in a row...

...I was in a quandary here. Filming for multiple shows will of course be a great experience and a lot of fun - BUT appearing on multiple shows would imply I am one of the traders and NOT the main contestant (who I'm sure can't appear more than once). If I say I can film for long periods, does that mean I'm cutting off my chance to be in the hot-seat so to speak?

But I told them the truth. Yes, with enough notice, I can film for upto a week....

....They'll be getting back to me soon.

p.s There is still a slim chance I'm not needed at all, particularly if everyone they gave the thumbs up to is available, so I'm still not letting my hopes get too high

p.p.s If you've no idea what I mean by 'traders' and 'main contestant', you'll have to head back to a previous entry where I attempted to describe the show format to you all :)

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