March 25, 2009

My Magnificent Octopus Part V

It's been a while since I updated you on my book... then again it's been a while since I updated the book!

At the present moment we are just short of 100 pages in. There have been three murders, all with different MO's but with several distinctive things in common. DCI Morgen is currently barking up completely the wrong tree (although that is soon about to change) and DS Krake is being as helpful as he can be.

Morgen is also attempting to start a relationship with a local barmaid, but keeps getting interrupted by the case. So far, there are about a dozen characters mentioned, but none of them stand out as a suspect (although Morgen does seem to have a personal vendetta against one particular person).

The next block of the book is written in draft form. There will be a fourth victim soon, one that Morgen feels he could have prevented. This will send him back into a spiral of depression (although I haven't decided who or what it will be that drags him back out of it again).

In some ways I'm kind of looking forward to writing this part. It's no great secret I've been down as far as you can go myself in recent months, but I never really get a chance to express what it feels like, not from this side of the fence anyway. Perhaps, through Morgen, I can give it a go.

..writing the scenes between Morgen and his new girlfriend have been the easiest. I'm still waiting for my proof reader to offer me feedback, (hint hint Ali) but I was certainly able to put my brain in the right place and just flow right through the chapter without much soul searching. It just seems to be a case of picturing yourself with somone you would like to be in that situation with and describing as best as you can what happens...

...perhaps if the world of murder mystery doesn't suit me I should sign up to Mills & Boon instead!


Anonymous said...

as a fellow depression sufferer i am intrigued xxx

Jackenorie said...

Signed first edition please :) I think I keep mentioning it :D
Sounds great so far, like one of those Sunday afternoon Murder Mysteries were you actually make the effort of sitting comfortably to enjoy it :)