April 28, 2009

New Friends, New Horizons

One thing I've learned from the past week is how special pals can be. Without much effort I now have a catalogue of new friends, friends I will make every effort to stay in touch with.

(I've also learned Henry VIII elder brother was called Arthur but that's not important right now).

But new horizons? Tommorrow morning, 6am, I'm going into the office for a chat with the boss. Mostly it is for me to fight on behalf of the rest of the staff about the change in working hours he sems to think he can implement, but we'll also discuss staff levels and any problems that have arisen recently. We will also discuss whether I'm moving to Malta or not in the summer. (I know I have no chance of winning the fight about working hours but he needs to be told that he can't do this to us over and over again)

As for Malta, I am being drawn more and more towards it. Partially for the money, but also I fear he's trying to close down the Southampton office. He'd never say as much, but give it 6 months and I'd wager it will be mentioned. By being one step ahead of the game I can avoid the same problems I had when I set sail away from Isle of Man.

If I do move, my whole intention is to enjoy myself, but at the same time get rid of my debts ASAP. As soon as I'm back in the black I have the freedom I've been searching for for the past few years. He won't be able to dictate to me after that, or make unfair demands. If I'm solvent I have the option to walk away....

...but not yet.

p.s. Blini pancakes are common in Russian cuisine.

No Really, I am Still Here

Did you all think I had dropped off the face of the planet again?

A week in Malta with hardly a chance to breathe, let alone update this blog, and then a week in London filming the quiz show with no internet access at all. Sadly it's all back to reality again - back to headaches with work, fights with the boss and early starts.

I'm sure there are a million and one stories I should have told you by now but if I try to fit them all in, I'll just get disheartened at the amount of work involved and give up. With this in mind I am afraid there will be no updates of what has happened over the last two weeks. The blog continues from this point on.

I'm sure by osmosis little stories or tit-bits will leak out, so you won't be kept completely in the dark.

To summerise the two weeks though:

Malta is hot but nice.
The Quiz was tiring but profitable.

....and I've already bought a new laptop :)

April 14, 2009

Nothing Changes

Just a few observations to compare this trip to the previous one.

Firstly, I've been eaten again! I have 3 bites, one on my left cheek, one on my left elbow and one on my right shin. I think they were waiting for me as I got off the plane.

I have now sampled traveling by bus. You know on an English bus there is a little sign that says 'press the bell once to alert the driver that you wish to alight. Remain seated until the vehicle comes to a complete rest'. In Malta that's compulsory. Not because it's the law, or a criminal offense, just because they drive like Stirling Moss and the roads are so uneven that if you try to stand whilst it's moving you will end up either through the roof or heading out of the windscreen. The second bus I got on was very busy, but there was one empty seat quite near the front. As soon as the bus pulled away I realised why it was empty. There was a huge hole in the roof just above me and the rain was pouring in. I was drenched by the time I got off. (but all journeys are only 47c so you can't really complain)

The smoking ban in Malta is completely ignored. Bar staff don't enforce it because it could drive away customers, and the customers themselves ignore it because it's hardly even followed up by the police. I was quite surprised when I saw a young couple lighting up, but as the barman explained, even if they are caught it's only a small fine. No worse than a parking ticket. Some people still go outside to smoke, but with the weather they've just had I don't blaming them for wanting to puff away indoors.

Back in the Med

Hello all, I'm writing to you from Malta. Yes, I'm back on the island lapping up the sunshine and enjoying a glass or two of local beer.

Well, not exactly. It didn't stop raining for the first 24 hours. I'm back for a week to continue training the Maltese staff and also gauge whether I'd like this move to be permanent. At the moment my mind swings dramatically from one direction to the other.

After seeing the flat my boss rents (and where I'll be staying for the first 4 weeks if I did come over) I am amazed at what you can get for a lot less money than I am paying in the UK. Okay, the road is on is just a dirty back alley, reminiscent of war-torn Bazra, but once your inside it's beautiful (and spacious). This has two bedrooms as well, if I decide to go for a one-bedroomed flat I could save even more money.

But the accommodation aside, the area is half-way between where I stayed the first time and work. Right on the water-front with a selection of bars and cafes. 2 minutes walk away is the local shopping area. Am I starting to sound like a tourist board advertisement?

I have to debate what I give up if I move. Instant access to the UK by train, that means friends and family. No more internet shopping (apparently delivery to Malta is often blocked or comes at a heavy premium). Flights to and from Malta are not that cheap, so any extra money I get paid could end up just going towards transport costs.

....the debate goes on.

April 06, 2009

Blog update

This doesn't really count as a blog entry. Just wanted to explain the changes on the right hand side.

You'll notice a Google search box first. This is exactly what it says it is, a Google search box! Use it as a normal search engine. The results will be brought up in a separate window, so it won't close my blog for you.

Secondly, if you scroll down you'll find some adverts. You also might notice the adverts are sort of appropriate to whatever my blog has been about recently. Aren't computer programmers clever people? If you feel you want to visit one of the adverts, feel free. They are official adverts and can be trusted. Again, it will open in a fresh window.

Why are these things here? Well if enough traffic goes through these links I get sent money. Simple as that. Sometimes it's just counting how many 'clicks' my adverts receive, but for some it's just counting how many people go on to make a purchase (depends on the company behind the advert). At no point does it cost me anything, or slow my blog down, so where's the harm?

... should I be ashamed that the first set of adverts lean heavily towards purchasing teddy bears?

My Social Calendar is Full

You lucky people. Two blog entries in one day. You don't deserve me, you really don't.

Here is the run down of my social activities for the coming weeks. Not sure my diary has ever been this hectic.

Sat April 11th. Jackie coming to visit for the afternoon from Bournemouth on National Express. Note to self. Work out where the National Express bus depot is before Saturday.

Sun 12th April. Fly out to Malta from Gatwick. Note to self. Remember to book train to Gatwick before Sunday.

Mon 13th - Fri 17th April. Work in Malta. Note to self. Use public transport this time, do not hire a car and try to drive to work. There are only 5 working days so I can't afford to spend one of them motoring around the island looking for the right turning.

Sat 18th April. Fly back to Gatwick and catch train back to Southampton.

Sun 19th - Sat 25th April. Go to London, stay in luxury hotel next to Wembley and record numerous quiz shows.

Sun 26th April. Sleep for 24 hours to catch up.

Mon 27th April. Back to work at 6am

I'll Never Get Into Heaven Now

Oh the shame of it all. The sense of guilt. The overwhelming surge of remorse....

I cheated in a pub quiz last night.

I don't know what came over me. Was it the red mist as I stared potential defeat in the face? Was it the alcohol infused with a lack of sleep? Or perhaps it was the incentive of taking home bottles of beer that caused me to push myself too far.

It's the quiz we've been going to as a group of workmates for a few weeks now. Sunday nights, a little pub about 15 minutes walk from home. Nice atmosphere and the quizmaster is quite funny (especially after his 8th or 9th gin & tonic).

Ok, let me explain how the quiz works, and especially the marking process and rules of the last round. The last round is called 'Wipeout'. 10 general knowledge questions worth 1 point each. If you get all 10 corect you score an extra 5 points...BUT... if you attempt a question and get it wrong you score nothing for the whole round. Understand? So if you want big points you have to take a few chances, but if you want to play safe you can just answer a few of them and pick up a handful of points.

The marking is quite clever. The sheets you write on have a carbon copy underneath which you can seperate at the end of the whole quiz and hand in. You then mark the main paper yourself and then take that up too. The idea is, you can't change answers or cross things out because the quizmaster has the carbon copy to prove what you originally submitted.

Are you with me so far?

So, last night we hadn't had the best of early rounds, but the pub was quiet so there was a good chance of us winning anyway (or at least being in with a shout). The Wipeout round was going ok. We had left a couple out, so we weren't going for the 5 bonus, but 7 or 8 correct would be a nice points haul.

"Question 9. In which TV pub would you find beers brewed by Luxford & Copley?"

I had with me a 21 year old who doesn't watch soaps and a 22 year old German who didn't understand the question. My logic went as follows:

"Well for the pub to be famous it must be from a soap opera, and it can't be Coronation Street because that's Newton & Ridley. It can't be Eastenders because I've seen the logo for that brewery and it's like the opening credits. I think it's just called Thames brewery. Which just leaves us with The Woolpack from Emmerdale"

Not only was I forgetting other soaps and dramas such as Hollyoaks, Heartbeat, The Bill etc, but I was so convincing in my arguement that not one of us disagreed with my logic. We went with The Woolpack.

Skip forward to the marking:

"Question 9 is The Queen Vic. Question 10..."

Oops. a whole round of points wiped out. Luxford & Copley IS the ficticious brewery with the river Thames as a logo. We're doomed and it's all my fault. But the quizmaster is also onto his 9th gin of the night. Hmmm, an idea is forming in my devious mind.

We pretended we hadn't noticed we'd got it wrong. We didn't change the paper, we didn't cross it out or make any other marks, we just gave ourselves points for the other correct answers in the round and kept our fingers crossed.

...and he never checked our paper. Of course if he had we would have just apologised and pleaded drunken marking was going on, but there was no need. We had won. We had cheated our way to 7 points we didn't deserve. We left with a crate of beer and sheepish smiles. Our winning margin?....

2 points.

April 05, 2009

Start Spreading the News

Just outside my block of flats is an abandoned night club which was called New York, New York. It's been closed and boarded up ever since I moved here. There is also a large bar attached to it (but for the moment I forget it's name). The reason for telling you this....

...someone has applied for a licence to reopen them both.

Is this news worthy of a blog entry? Well yes it is. At the moment Friday and Saturday nights are a nightmare to try to sleep. Right through until 4am there is constant shouting, screaming, banging of bins, fighting, the demolition of the roadworks, and the wonderful sound of vomitting every so often. The application would include a 24 hour liquor licence and opening times until 5am at the weekend.

The positioning of the night club and bar would mean revellers walking through the middle of my block of flats and the neighbouring ones. They already walk past my window on the outside of the block, but now they will be walking on the other side of the building too.

Noise aside, would you like to walk to work at 5.30am in the dark dodging pools of piss, vomit and discarded take-away wrappers?

Not only that, would you like to walk to work at 5.30am in the dark going against crowds of drunks staggering home?

My apartment block has started a campaign to get the licence application refused. As I walked past one of the other, larger, blocks this morning I spotted similar posters all over their windows too.

Do I sound like an old misery killjoy? I hope not. Walking to work at this time of the morning is already scary enough, without having to pass drunks. The violent crime rate round here, especially at the weekend, is terrifying...

...I'm tempted to add my name to the campaign.

April 04, 2009

The Show Must Go On Part III

Apparently I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this TV quiz show... so if anyone asks, I wasn't here - right?

Yesterday I received another phone call and a huge envelope of information. The phone call was to check on transport details (my nearest station, where in London the train is likely to get into etc). What is more interesting is the envelope.

It was packed. Not only is there enough reading material to see me through til Christmas, a lot of it is written like a set of court papers. You need a first-class degree in law before you can even begin to tackle it. Not only that, but they needed a lot of it signed and returned by the 7th (which given the fact we are at a weekend means it has to be in the postbox today).

Trimming away the complicated bits leaves me with the basic format of the show, instructions of what to bring, where to go, what the production company pays for (and what they don't) and a daily schedule for filming.

After running through the things I'm not allowed to wear on camera, I came to the horrible conclusion my only option is to appear topless. My entire wardrobe is ruled out for one reason or another:

No visible logos, no plain white or cream, no complicated patterns, no stripes, no green or blue anywhere (because some of the filming is done on green screen), no images that are recognisable (the examples they gave were Mickey Mouse and Marilyn Monroe).

I'm sure I'll sort something out. I get B&B paid for and £5 per day for an evening meal. Lunch is provided at the studio along with refreshments throughout the day. I plan on having a big breakfast and stuff myself on the lunch, so I don't need to have a proper evening meal. (This is in London after all. What am I going to be able to get for £5!?!)

I do have a small issue with some of the rules of the show. I have yet to find an incentive for the 'trader' (me) to give the contestant a correct answer. I have found several reasons why it would be beneficial to lie to them and give them a deliberate wrong answer. I'm sure I'll get a chance to air my query when I get there.

Oh well, 15 days until I travel (with a week in Malta inbetween)...

...Fingers crossed I make at least one appearance as a trader and earn a few quid.

April 03, 2009

The Show Must Go On Part II

The ball is rolling and it's gathering momentum. More updates on my next television appearance.

I think last itme I talked about the quiz, I was waiting for a 'Basic Disclosure' form to turn up in the post. It turned up, I posted it off and the production company called to say it had arrived. Now it was back to a waiting game. On Wednesday, sat on the sofa in my parent's house in Manchester I received the call I wanted. Not only will I be appearing on ther show, I'll be filming for 6 days, and appearing in upto 18 shows (although it's more likely I'll just be in a handful).

From the 20th to 25th of April I will be staying in a hotel in London, filming three shows a day for the full 6 days and hopefully in that time, make at least one appearance as a trader. That will be my role, a trader. It does mean my potential earnings are limited, but I didn't get into this for the money (ok, that's a little bit of a lie, but you know what I mean).

I was told to expect a string of phone calls in the coming days. Travel arrangements, what to bring with me etc, and a biog call. I remember this one from The Weakest Link, someone calls and does a five minute interview with you over the phone and the information you give is what is in front of the presenter if he 'greets' you on air. Have you tried answering on the spot questions like 'What is your favourite play?' and 'how would you describe yourself as a person?' I hope I don't have to remember what answers I gave!

They asked me 'where would you like to say you are from?' A tricky one that because I'm a bit of a nomad at the moment. I suppose technically I'm from Southampton because that's where I currently reside. Biologically I'm from Manchester because that's where I was born. I opted for the least convincing. I said I was from the Isle of Man. Not true in any sense, but perhaps it will give me an edge to actually getting in front of the cameras. So just over 2 weeks to go until I step into the limelight once more...

...oh and I'm off to Malta for a week before then!