April 06, 2009

My Social Calendar is Full

You lucky people. Two blog entries in one day. You don't deserve me, you really don't.

Here is the run down of my social activities for the coming weeks. Not sure my diary has ever been this hectic.

Sat April 11th. Jackie coming to visit for the afternoon from Bournemouth on National Express. Note to self. Work out where the National Express bus depot is before Saturday.

Sun 12th April. Fly out to Malta from Gatwick. Note to self. Remember to book train to Gatwick before Sunday.

Mon 13th - Fri 17th April. Work in Malta. Note to self. Use public transport this time, do not hire a car and try to drive to work. There are only 5 working days so I can't afford to spend one of them motoring around the island looking for the right turning.

Sat 18th April. Fly back to Gatwick and catch train back to Southampton.

Sun 19th - Sat 25th April. Go to London, stay in luxury hotel next to Wembley and record numerous quiz shows.

Sun 26th April. Sleep for 24 hours to catch up.

Mon 27th April. Back to work at 6am

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