April 04, 2009

The Show Must Go On Part III

Apparently I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this TV quiz show... so if anyone asks, I wasn't here - right?

Yesterday I received another phone call and a huge envelope of information. The phone call was to check on transport details (my nearest station, where in London the train is likely to get into etc). What is more interesting is the envelope.

It was packed. Not only is there enough reading material to see me through til Christmas, a lot of it is written like a set of court papers. You need a first-class degree in law before you can even begin to tackle it. Not only that, but they needed a lot of it signed and returned by the 7th (which given the fact we are at a weekend means it has to be in the postbox today).

Trimming away the complicated bits leaves me with the basic format of the show, instructions of what to bring, where to go, what the production company pays for (and what they don't) and a daily schedule for filming.

After running through the things I'm not allowed to wear on camera, I came to the horrible conclusion my only option is to appear topless. My entire wardrobe is ruled out for one reason or another:

No visible logos, no plain white or cream, no complicated patterns, no stripes, no green or blue anywhere (because some of the filming is done on green screen), no images that are recognisable (the examples they gave were Mickey Mouse and Marilyn Monroe).

I'm sure I'll sort something out. I get B&B paid for and £5 per day for an evening meal. Lunch is provided at the studio along with refreshments throughout the day. I plan on having a big breakfast and stuff myself on the lunch, so I don't need to have a proper evening meal. (This is in London after all. What am I going to be able to get for £5!?!)

I do have a small issue with some of the rules of the show. I have yet to find an incentive for the 'trader' (me) to give the contestant a correct answer. I have found several reasons why it would be beneficial to lie to them and give them a deliberate wrong answer. I'm sure I'll get a chance to air my query when I get there.

Oh well, 15 days until I travel (with a week in Malta inbetween)...

...Fingers crossed I make at least one appearance as a trader and earn a few quid.

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