April 05, 2009

Start Spreading the News

Just outside my block of flats is an abandoned night club which was called New York, New York. It's been closed and boarded up ever since I moved here. There is also a large bar attached to it (but for the moment I forget it's name). The reason for telling you this....

...someone has applied for a licence to reopen them both.

Is this news worthy of a blog entry? Well yes it is. At the moment Friday and Saturday nights are a nightmare to try to sleep. Right through until 4am there is constant shouting, screaming, banging of bins, fighting, the demolition of the roadworks, and the wonderful sound of vomitting every so often. The application would include a 24 hour liquor licence and opening times until 5am at the weekend.

The positioning of the night club and bar would mean revellers walking through the middle of my block of flats and the neighbouring ones. They already walk past my window on the outside of the block, but now they will be walking on the other side of the building too.

Noise aside, would you like to walk to work at 5.30am in the dark dodging pools of piss, vomit and discarded take-away wrappers?

Not only that, would you like to walk to work at 5.30am in the dark going against crowds of drunks staggering home?

My apartment block has started a campaign to get the licence application refused. As I walked past one of the other, larger, blocks this morning I spotted similar posters all over their windows too.

Do I sound like an old misery killjoy? I hope not. Walking to work at this time of the morning is already scary enough, without having to pass drunks. The violent crime rate round here, especially at the weekend, is terrifying...

...I'm tempted to add my name to the campaign.

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Oh dear! I'd say act fast otherwise you will be walking to work being puked on by drunks trying to find their way home.. :(
Oh I think you may have forgotten to mention the road cleaning machines? My personal favourites :))