April 28, 2009

No Really, I am Still Here

Did you all think I had dropped off the face of the planet again?

A week in Malta with hardly a chance to breathe, let alone update this blog, and then a week in London filming the quiz show with no internet access at all. Sadly it's all back to reality again - back to headaches with work, fights with the boss and early starts.

I'm sure there are a million and one stories I should have told you by now but if I try to fit them all in, I'll just get disheartened at the amount of work involved and give up. With this in mind I am afraid there will be no updates of what has happened over the last two weeks. The blog continues from this point on.

I'm sure by osmosis little stories or tit-bits will leak out, so you won't be kept completely in the dark.

To summerise the two weeks though:

Malta is hot but nice.
The Quiz was tiring but profitable.

....and I've already bought a new laptop :)

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