April 28, 2009

New Friends, New Horizons

One thing I've learned from the past week is how special pals can be. Without much effort I now have a catalogue of new friends, friends I will make every effort to stay in touch with.

(I've also learned Henry VIII elder brother was called Arthur but that's not important right now).

But new horizons? Tommorrow morning, 6am, I'm going into the office for a chat with the boss. Mostly it is for me to fight on behalf of the rest of the staff about the change in working hours he sems to think he can implement, but we'll also discuss staff levels and any problems that have arisen recently. We will also discuss whether I'm moving to Malta or not in the summer. (I know I have no chance of winning the fight about working hours but he needs to be told that he can't do this to us over and over again)

As for Malta, I am being drawn more and more towards it. Partially for the money, but also I fear he's trying to close down the Southampton office. He'd never say as much, but give it 6 months and I'd wager it will be mentioned. By being one step ahead of the game I can avoid the same problems I had when I set sail away from Isle of Man.

If I do move, my whole intention is to enjoy myself, but at the same time get rid of my debts ASAP. As soon as I'm back in the black I have the freedom I've been searching for for the past few years. He won't be able to dictate to me after that, or make unfair demands. If I'm solvent I have the option to walk away....

...but not yet.

p.s. Blini pancakes are common in Russian cuisine.

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