April 14, 2009

Nothing Changes

Just a few observations to compare this trip to the previous one.

Firstly, I've been eaten again! I have 3 bites, one on my left cheek, one on my left elbow and one on my right shin. I think they were waiting for me as I got off the plane.

I have now sampled traveling by bus. You know on an English bus there is a little sign that says 'press the bell once to alert the driver that you wish to alight. Remain seated until the vehicle comes to a complete rest'. In Malta that's compulsory. Not because it's the law, or a criminal offense, just because they drive like Stirling Moss and the roads are so uneven that if you try to stand whilst it's moving you will end up either through the roof or heading out of the windscreen. The second bus I got on was very busy, but there was one empty seat quite near the front. As soon as the bus pulled away I realised why it was empty. There was a huge hole in the roof just above me and the rain was pouring in. I was drenched by the time I got off. (but all journeys are only 47c so you can't really complain)

The smoking ban in Malta is completely ignored. Bar staff don't enforce it because it could drive away customers, and the customers themselves ignore it because it's hardly even followed up by the police. I was quite surprised when I saw a young couple lighting up, but as the barman explained, even if they are caught it's only a small fine. No worse than a parking ticket. Some people still go outside to smoke, but with the weather they've just had I don't blaming them for wanting to puff away indoors.

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