April 14, 2009

Back in the Med

Hello all, I'm writing to you from Malta. Yes, I'm back on the island lapping up the sunshine and enjoying a glass or two of local beer.

Well, not exactly. It didn't stop raining for the first 24 hours. I'm back for a week to continue training the Maltese staff and also gauge whether I'd like this move to be permanent. At the moment my mind swings dramatically from one direction to the other.

After seeing the flat my boss rents (and where I'll be staying for the first 4 weeks if I did come over) I am amazed at what you can get for a lot less money than I am paying in the UK. Okay, the road is on is just a dirty back alley, reminiscent of war-torn Bazra, but once your inside it's beautiful (and spacious). This has two bedrooms as well, if I decide to go for a one-bedroomed flat I could save even more money.

But the accommodation aside, the area is half-way between where I stayed the first time and work. Right on the water-front with a selection of bars and cafes. 2 minutes walk away is the local shopping area. Am I starting to sound like a tourist board advertisement?

I have to debate what I give up if I move. Instant access to the UK by train, that means friends and family. No more internet shopping (apparently delivery to Malta is often blocked or comes at a heavy premium). Flights to and from Malta are not that cheap, so any extra money I get paid could end up just going towards transport costs.

....the debate goes on.

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