August 25, 2008

Close Your Ears

I just need one blog, one opportunity, one chance. Those with a delicate soul close your ears, I'm going to swear. Writing this blog was supposed to be an opportunity to vent my spleen. In recent months I've started to filter what I write based on who might read it...... not this entry.

I hate Southampton. This is a shit city, it has nothing worthwhile to offer and if it wasn't for work I would never choose to be here. Don't let the press fool you. It's a trash heap.

I live in an expensive cardboard box with loud neighbours and even louder locals. I pay through the nose to live on a major high street, both traffic and pedestrians. On the rare occasion my shit bed lets me drop off to sleep, the noise outside will do it's best to wake me again. I have no reason to ever hurry home at night.

I'm too much of a good guy. Why do I let anyone who comes along walk all over me? My life is dictated by other peoples wishes. Why do I not have the ability to say 'Fuck Off'.

I work for a complete wanker. He has no idea how to manage a company, and has no inter personal skills. I also know if he makes a mistake he blames me for it to the owners, knowing I can't argue because I don't speak German. I love my job, but I hate what is above me. There is going to be a day when I get proof he's been doing it and then the shit is going to hit the fan, but I'm sure even then I'll come off worse.

I hate being in debt. I know I caused it, I know there is no one else to blame, but I shouldn't be 34 and worrying about money. Maybe I should have declared myself bankrupt years ago. I just couldn't do that though. I'm not that kind of person. It is still a pain in the arse.

I hate myself that I can't cope with depression. My life has very few 'up' moments, but rather that strive to achieve another one I spend my entire existance dwelling on the 'down'. Even when I'm in the middle of a dizzying high I still spend time looking for the faults. I seem to want to know when it's going to end, rather than enjoy the moment while it lasts. Perhaps my glass is always half empty...

...swearing rant over. Sorry readers.

Things to look forward to Part II

Ok, it's not really a second part. Part one was right at the start of this blog adventure, but I'm at a hiatus at the moment, so I need to step back and take stock of what I have in store to look forward to.

Well almost immediately is the Norfolk holiday. With all that's been happening recently with my 'love' life, this trip has become almost legendary. What began as a family holiday for myself, Sarah and Caoimhe, soon became a week away on my own to get away from the world. Now it has became a holiday with Sarah and baby again but now as friends. Still 4 days left for it to turn into something else. Perhaps there is still another twist in the tale to come before it's over. No matter what, I'm definately looking forward to it though.

Next up is the quick trip to Ireland. Can't wait for that either. For loads of different reasons. Seeing Tara, seeing Ireland, a guarenteed break from the world. Real shame it can't be for longer, but I'll take what I can get. Tara has been an angel for the past few weeks. I can't thank her enough. Hopefully I'll get the chance to spoil her when I get to see her.

November should throw up two activities as well. I have a theatre ticket to see the musical version of Witches of Eastwick. This touring production has Marti Pellow in the lead role (yes, that's the guy from Wet Wet Wet). No idea how good the musical is, but I loved the film version, so I'm looking forward to that. Also in November, I'm hoping Jo and Laura are coming over from IOM to do their Christmas shopping. The plan is to meet them in Manchester, and we can all stay at my parents. It's not set in stone yet, but fingers crossed it's all booked soon. Jo has never been to the UK, only Ireland and IOM, and I'd love to be the one to provide the guided tour (even if it is only for the North West).

Anything else on the horizon? I need to get back to IOM myself soon. Jackie will be forgetting what I look like, and there is an event in mid December I'd like to attend (but that's all hush-hush, so pretend I never mentioned it). Now I will only be working 40 hours a week, I should be able to arrange quick trips more often - well, in theory anyway. I also promised Karl I'd attend a Cheadle Town game with him, and I still stand by that promise.

Something I can't look forward to is attending Southampton vs Blackpool. It's this Saturday and I'll be driving to Norfolk at the time. It's on TV too, but due to the early kick-off there is no chance of me seeing it. Looks like I might have to make arrangements to attend the return fixture at The Seasiders instead....

...I'm sure I can pursuade my Dad to drive us both there again :)

August 24, 2008

The Future's Shite - The Future's Orange Part III

Well I said I'd do it and I've lived up to my own promise. I have run away from Orange and joined O2

I really can't stress how poor Orange's customer service was. I know I sound like I'm going on about it, but they have really got up my nose, on my wick and under my skin. Seeing an advert for them on TV just makes my skin crawl now.

As for O2? took me less than 2 minutes to activate my new SIM, and as soon as I'd topped up by £10 they had sent me 300 free texts. More importantly, free texts includes IOM. Quite right too, it's not as if IOM floated away and entered international waters. Where do Orange think it is? somewhere off the coast of Argentina?

If you are a family member and need my number... ask my Mum.

If you are a friend, and linked to me through Facebook, you'll find the new number there.

If you're a friend, but not on Facebook and need my mobile number - drop me an e-mail.

Ok, promise this is my last rant at Orange. I never want to hear that name again...

...unless it's to hear the news they've gone bust.

August 22, 2008

Updating the Masses Part II

Another general update of what's going on in the wonderful world of Geoff.

Roberta, Bob the Triffid's girlfriend, is not looking very healthy. She seems to be slowly drying out, even though I'm keeping her well fed. I'm hoping it's not terminal, or that she is supposed to act like this (before flowering again) but I'll have to wait and see. It is ever since we moved office. Perhaps she's not got used to the extra altitude.

My handheld vacuum cleaner is still the greatest gadget I have ever owned. I can't stop using it. One crumb out of place and I've got the cone in my hand. It has to be seen to be believed. I've also started using it as a night light. The glow it gives off when it's charging is strangely hypnotic.

The holiday to Norfolk is almost upon me, and Sarah and Caoimhe are coming with me too. We had a nice chat, cleared the air a little, and I'm glad we're still able to go away together. I honestly think I would have spent the week wollowing in self pity if I'd gone alone.

A month after Norfolk, I'm going to Ireland to visit Tara and her family. I have never set foot on the Emerald Isle before, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it. It'll only be a flying visit, but apparently she's going to take me to Galway for the day. I'm sure one or two pints of the black stuff will be drunk. I can't go all that way and not sample it can I? That'd be rude!

I made the most unique loaf of bread last night I have ever attempted. A basic white loaf, but with a large handful of jallepino peppers added during the mixing process. I was worried they would all sink to the bottom, but when I cut into it, they were evenly distributed throughout the hot loaf. The taste was to die for. The jallepino flavour was in every bite, but the heat of the peppers had been subdued by the baking process. Ok, it was a little bizarre to even consider trying it in the first place, but some of the greatest discoveries in the world came about by accident.

Not much else to report I'm afraid. Working hard whilst the Olympics are on. My two new trainees have come on really well - just in time for my holiday. Doesn't look like I'll be needed to go to Malta, but there is still a small possibility I will. I have the flat to myself for a while now. My flatmate (also my boss) is staying in Germany until his wife gives birth to their first child. She isn't due until late September.

...sorry my life is so dull :)

August 17, 2008

Definition of an Idiot Part V

The final time I'll use that title. After this, any occasion where I prove myself to be of a lower IQ than normal, I will be retitled 'an ejeet'. It's a much more gentle, and comical phrase. I have defined myself as an idiot for the last time and nothing I can ever do in the future will ever out do this.

For the past 4 months I think I have been taken for a ride by Sarah.

I think back to past text messages, online messages, emails, phone conversations, face to face chats and wonder where the lies started. Perhaps it was only recently, perhaps it's been all along. All I know is, whenever her attitude towards me and our 'future' changed for the worse, I was definately the last person to know.

I feel so stupid. I've opened myself up. Beared my soul and heart. Commited myself to a future that was a complete change of direction for me, but at the same time I thought it was going to be a wonderful journey. That future is now gone and I'm back to square one. Floating in a limbo wilderness with absolutely no direction or purpose at all.

Do you know the most gauling part of all this? The part I find the hardest to comprehend? I still love her. I feel no hatred towards her whatsoever. I'm frustrated, I'm hurting like hell, but I sincerely don't hate her. I still wish her complete happiness, and similarly for Caoimhe. While I was still living in happy ignorance I had three of the happiest months of my recent life. If she was in front of me right now, there would be no words, just a very big hug. It's not supposed to be like that.

...and that's why I'm an idiot.

p.s. Found these two quotations. Thought they were quite apt.

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put it back together

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven, for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

August 14, 2008

And They're Off!

Monday and Tuesday I've been off horse-racing with friends. First Wolverhampton and then Lingfield. The boys came over from IOM to visit, so it ended up as a 48 hour drinking session too! In terms of the racing there isn't much to tell. I didn't bet in every race, I picked up one winner at each track and had a wonderful two days. I'll use this blog to tell you about everything that happened 'around' the race meetings.

We started on the Sunday. I met them at the airport, and after a quick train journey to their hotel it was onto the local pub - The Quayside. As luck would have it, it was also kareoke night. After introducing them to the quiz machine and sinking a few beers I was up to my usual tricks. Living Next Door to Alice (accompanied by the entire pub swearing along in the chorus) and Stuck in the Middle With You just so I can act like I'm in Reservoir Dogs for 3 minutes.

We parted company at about midnight and met up again at 9.00am for the first train journey. 2.5 hours to Birmingham. I'd brought beer for everyone, but one look at their faces meant it was going to be hard work getting them to drink it. It seems that we had all overdone it the night before. They had all been drunk though by the time we got to Wolverhampton, and everyone had perked up by then, so not too much damage done.

The train home was going to be direct, but we had a couple of hours to kill. Walking away from the station we stopped off in the first pub we could find - The Prince Albert. The name might have given us a clue, but we went in anyway. Yes, it was a gay bar. It didn't matter though. They had a quiz machine, cheap beer and food! Not only that, it was free curry night. Buy a beer and you got a free plate of curry and chips. Just for that alone it was worth the effort. When the disco started at 7.30 we politely made our apologies and left for our train.

We all came close to dropping off to sleep on the trip back. There was a brief arguement about sit-com actors that I believe I comfortably won, but other than that we were all fairly placid. Trying to restore lost energy in time for the second day.

An extra hour in bed on the Tuesday, then a shorter trip to Clapham Junction before changing for Lingfield. Again I brought beer and much to my surprise everyone seemed a lot more alive. Must have been the lie-in. There were one or two amazing downpours of rain whilst at the track, and a side-game of trying to guess the age of one of our fellow punters (something we never got to resolve). We had over an hour to kill after the last race, so we tracked down the local - The Star. Not a gay bar this time, but also no food. We raided their crisp selection instead before returning to the trackside station for the journey home.

Back at Southampton it was back to The Quayside for final drinks. Quiz night tonight, but the machine version was much more fun. I also got into a sulk over a question in the pub-quiz about the music used in The Omen so I'm glad we weren't taking part!

We were turfed out at 11pm when the pub shut, but that wasn't enough for us. Right next door is Leisure World, a cinema complex with a few bars and a night club. Time for a few more drinks, even though we were the only 4 people anywhere in the building! We parted company at about 12.30am and I walked home. I managed to burn my evening meal by falling asleep whilst it was cooking, so I was reduced to a Pot Noodle and several rounds of toast. All in all a lovely time...

...helped take my mind off things for a short while.

August 09, 2008

Updating the Masses

My world has been turned on it's head in the past few days. Events have taken a mighty twist, and I'm not sure where it's all going to end. Until I do, I'll have to leave you all in the dark I'm afraid. Rather than go completely quiet, I thought I'd update you on previous blog entries. (in no particular order)

My bed is now propped up on three plastic removal boxes. They are just about the same height as the three remaining legs, so I'm no longer sleeping on a slope. The creaks have subsided too, so I can no longer use that as an excuse for a bad night's sleep.

The two new recruits are settling in well. Both have shown a good attitude to work, and are picking up the job very quickly. Shouldn't have any trouble having them fully trained by the end of the month. (Well, not fully trained, that can take years, but far enough that they can be left on their own)

I've received a new SIM from O2, and instructions on how I can keep my old phone number. Could take up to two weeks for the switch over to take place, but at least I can move away from Orange. Even if O2 turns out to be no cheaper, I want to get away from Orange because of their appalling customer service.

I haven't poached an egg yet, in fact I haven't even bought any eggs. Always seem to forget them when I'm in the store. Must be a subliminal thing. Am I becoming afraid of eggs?

Bob is looking very healthy, with three flowers now. Sadly, Roberta his girlfriend isn't fairing so well. Her leaves are healthy enough, but the top of her main flower is turning brown and withering. Perhaps it's supposed to do that, but it doesn't look good. Don't think she enjoyed moving office, or maybe she's yearning for Bob.

My bedroom lightbulb blew again last night. I was cursing Tescos for selling such cheap bulbs, that only last a few weeks, but then I remembered that particular bulb had been in the hall ever since I moved in, so I shut up again. I had a spare too AND I remembered where I stored it, so normal lighting resumed within minutes.

The Wii has been sat in a bag under my desk for weeks now, ever since we shifted offices. I could take it home, but I'd only be able to use it on my little portable. Still, at least it would be getting some use, rather than living between my feet.

Malta. Hmm, remember back in April I told you about the possibility of me moving over, or just going over to train staff? As per usual I'm the last to know anything. Not only has an advert already been placed in a Maltese newspaper, but we've had 80 applicants apply. Michael is going over to interview some of them next week, and when he's chosen two or three he's going to send them over here for me to train. I learned all this yesterday, as he was walking out of the office to return to Germany. So, I'm not going to Malta, but I do have to train the staff - staff I have no control over selecting. It can be very frustrating at times.

....and I still hate clowns!

p.s. Thank you to Jackie, Tara, Karl and Jo who have all been kind and supportive to me recently in different ways. I'm not always the best at saying thank you..... but Thank You :o)

August 05, 2008

Sleeping on a Slope

I've mentioned several times in this blog my terrible sleep pattern. I've also blamed it on numerous occasions on my creaking bed. Last night, the creaking stopped....

....the bed broke.

I was lying in bed watching a DVD. (Think it was Series 2 of Open all Hours, but that's not really relevant). The bed creaked and groaned as usual every time I moved, flinched or twitched. After a while, there was a constant groan. Even though I was perfectly still, the bed was emitting a low, muffled noise. Without warning, the top left hand leg of the bed suddenly collapsed and flung the corner of the mattress to the floor. The bed isn't that high off the ground anyway, but it was still a strange position to be lying in. As it was very late, I hadn't time to go looking for something to prop the bed up with, so I had to attempt to sleep with the mattress on a precarious sloping angle. It actually worked out ok, until I rolled over and nearly ended up halfway across the bedroom floor.

But surpringly the usual creaks and straining noises had completely vanished. The bed didn't make a sound for the rest of the night. I can't say I got a good night's sleep because I was too terrified of falling out, but at least the noise had been controlled....

...Suppose I should really buy a new one shouldn't I?