August 09, 2008

Updating the Masses

My world has been turned on it's head in the past few days. Events have taken a mighty twist, and I'm not sure where it's all going to end. Until I do, I'll have to leave you all in the dark I'm afraid. Rather than go completely quiet, I thought I'd update you on previous blog entries. (in no particular order)

My bed is now propped up on three plastic removal boxes. They are just about the same height as the three remaining legs, so I'm no longer sleeping on a slope. The creaks have subsided too, so I can no longer use that as an excuse for a bad night's sleep.

The two new recruits are settling in well. Both have shown a good attitude to work, and are picking up the job very quickly. Shouldn't have any trouble having them fully trained by the end of the month. (Well, not fully trained, that can take years, but far enough that they can be left on their own)

I've received a new SIM from O2, and instructions on how I can keep my old phone number. Could take up to two weeks for the switch over to take place, but at least I can move away from Orange. Even if O2 turns out to be no cheaper, I want to get away from Orange because of their appalling customer service.

I haven't poached an egg yet, in fact I haven't even bought any eggs. Always seem to forget them when I'm in the store. Must be a subliminal thing. Am I becoming afraid of eggs?

Bob is looking very healthy, with three flowers now. Sadly, Roberta his girlfriend isn't fairing so well. Her leaves are healthy enough, but the top of her main flower is turning brown and withering. Perhaps it's supposed to do that, but it doesn't look good. Don't think she enjoyed moving office, or maybe she's yearning for Bob.

My bedroom lightbulb blew again last night. I was cursing Tescos for selling such cheap bulbs, that only last a few weeks, but then I remembered that particular bulb had been in the hall ever since I moved in, so I shut up again. I had a spare too AND I remembered where I stored it, so normal lighting resumed within minutes.

The Wii has been sat in a bag under my desk for weeks now, ever since we shifted offices. I could take it home, but I'd only be able to use it on my little portable. Still, at least it would be getting some use, rather than living between my feet.

Malta. Hmm, remember back in April I told you about the possibility of me moving over, or just going over to train staff? As per usual I'm the last to know anything. Not only has an advert already been placed in a Maltese newspaper, but we've had 80 applicants apply. Michael is going over to interview some of them next week, and when he's chosen two or three he's going to send them over here for me to train. I learned all this yesterday, as he was walking out of the office to return to Germany. So, I'm not going to Malta, but I do have to train the staff - staff I have no control over selecting. It can be very frustrating at times.

....and I still hate clowns!

p.s. Thank you to Jackie, Tara, Karl and Jo who have all been kind and supportive to me recently in different ways. I'm not always the best at saying thank you..... but Thank You :o)

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