August 05, 2008

Sleeping on a Slope

I've mentioned several times in this blog my terrible sleep pattern. I've also blamed it on numerous occasions on my creaking bed. Last night, the creaking stopped....

....the bed broke.

I was lying in bed watching a DVD. (Think it was Series 2 of Open all Hours, but that's not really relevant). The bed creaked and groaned as usual every time I moved, flinched or twitched. After a while, there was a constant groan. Even though I was perfectly still, the bed was emitting a low, muffled noise. Without warning, the top left hand leg of the bed suddenly collapsed and flung the corner of the mattress to the floor. The bed isn't that high off the ground anyway, but it was still a strange position to be lying in. As it was very late, I hadn't time to go looking for something to prop the bed up with, so I had to attempt to sleep with the mattress on a precarious sloping angle. It actually worked out ok, until I rolled over and nearly ended up halfway across the bedroom floor.

But surpringly the usual creaks and straining noises had completely vanished. The bed didn't make a sound for the rest of the night. I can't say I got a good night's sleep because I was too terrified of falling out, but at least the noise had been controlled....

...Suppose I should really buy a new one shouldn't I?

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