July 31, 2008

Retail Therapy

I got paid a few days ago. I've got in the habit now of making a list just before pay-day of the things I need to get within the coming month. I try to get as many as possible soon after my wages are in, in case I run out of money by the end and miss out on an essential. This month there were one or two items on this list and I was able to order them all online straight away.

1. Tesco Delivery. Well, not really a single item, but still an essential. Makes logical sense to me to stock up the cupboard and freezer as soon as I have the necessary funds. If I find myself penniless before the end of the month, at least I won't starve. It arrived last night at 10.15pm (it was supposed to arrive between 8pm and 10pm). The delivery driver was a young, blonde female and she looked really upset she was late, and very stressed, so I let her off :) Nothing else to report about the delivery though - no damaged bread-mix, nothing missing - all as ordered.

2. DVD Player. When I first moved to Southampton I didn't bring my old player with me. Too much extra weight, and besides you can pick up machines now for under ten pounds. That was exactly what I did do. The first week I was here I nipped into Currys and purchased a small, black DVD players for £9.99 It lasted over 8 months, so I got my money's worth. Now that it's broken though I needed a replacement ASAP. I ordered a 'warehouse clearance' one from Amazon online which would also play my American discs too. Finally a chance to work through my Poirot DVDs again!

The player arrived yesterday. Like a kid at Christmas I ripped off all the packaging, lifted out the sleek, black unit and plugged it in. I was really impressed with it's look, and for £20 I couldn't have asked for better value. Now to watch a film....

...but where is the remote control? In fact, where is the manual? (note to female readers: see what I did there? DVD player was plugged in, connected and turned on before I noticed the manual was missing!)

Next day I got in touch with Amazon and was told they can't send a remote for me as it was a 'warehouse clearance' item. Only option is to pack it all back up, ship it back to them and they will send a refund, including postage. All refunds take upto 30 days to process. I've decided to keep it and use it in my bedroom. I can use the play and stop button on the front of the player itself. Only thing I can't do is move around a menu screen if I want to select another DVD option. I have to look at the big picture though, a multi-region DVD player for £20 is still a bargain.

3. My favourite... a hand-held vacuum cleaner. The cleaner that came with the flat is pathetic. It's held together with parcel tape and has no suction power at all. What I really needed was something I could whizz around the edges of the rooms to pick up fluff. I have a constant battle against fluff. I blame lamenant flooring personally. I did a quick internet search and came across this...

I can't really do it justice in a single pic. It is a perfect cylinder, and when it is left to charge it glows an eerie white, like a child's night-light. Very space age, I have never seen anything like it. The top part lifts out of the base unit, the lights go off and you have a very powerful vacuum cleaner. Pop it back into the base unit for charging, and the light comes back on. I am completely blown away by it. It doesn't take much to amuse me :)

4. A new docking station for my ipod shuffle. When we moved office from one room to another, someone kindly stood on my old ipod connecting lead and rendered it unuseable. This has meant for over a week I've had no music to help with my walk to and from work, or when I go to the shops. Now I have a replacement, and I have to admit it's better than the original. This one plugs directly into my PC, like a memory stick, so no trailing cables to worry about. I can't really kick up a fuss about the broken one. Pete and Michael moved the office between them because I was still on holiday. They saved me from a lot of heavy removal work.

So there you have it, my retail therapy for August. I've put a bit of money aside for my racing trip, and a little bit into my ISA. Roll on, end of August though....

...My next pay-day spending spree will all be based in Norfolk!

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