July 29, 2008

My Ever Growing Army

It didn't take long, but my two raw recruits are ready to be trained in the fine art of odds compiling. They both start with an introduction session on Friday and then hit the ground running from Monday onwards.

I'm really pleased with my selection. I'm not being big headed but already I can see them fitting right in with our little team and our relaxed and almost unique working atmosphere. If I step back and look at the big picture I am lucky with the job I have and the environment I work in. Where else can you surf the internet all day, watch satellite TV and DVDs, listen to music, wear whatever you feel most comfortable in and still go home with a generous pay-packet?

The new additions are Tom and Moritz (don't laugh, that really is his name). Both sports mad and keen to get started. Assuming they take to the training like Pete did (my first assistant) they will be up and running well before the end of the month. I have an incentive this time. If they aren't fully trained by the time I go on holiday I said I'd be on call for any problems...

...and I don't want to be disturbed when I'm cruising the waterways of Norfolk.

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