July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Blog !!

It's arrived! Blog entry number 100. As predected back in March it's arrived right at the end of July. A century of random thoughts, feelings, silliness and cooking tips. As promised, here are some quite interesting things you never needed to know about the number 100.

Words that begin 'Cent' or 'Centi' are generally related to the number 100, but this isn't always the case. In several instances it refers to 'a large number like 100'. A centurion for example was never in charge of 100 men, it was usually more like 80. There is no species of centipede that has exactly 100 legs either.

The search engine Google gets it's name from the title given to the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. (although that's spelt Googol) The word was 'invented' by the 9 year old nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner.

The 100th day of a non-leap year is April 10th, the day The Titanic set sail from Southampton on it's one and only journey.

The 100 years war was fought between France and England, but actually ran for nearly 116 years.

The game of draughts (or checkers if you're a yank) in Poland is played on a board of 100 squares with 40 pieces. The rules are exactly the same though.

100 is the sum of the first 10 odd numbers, 1 to 19. Go on, try it :)

It's also the sum of the first 4 cube numbers. (3, 8, 27 and 64)

The US Senate has 100 members, 2 for each State.

For you sport fans, 100 yards is the minimum distance from tee to flag for a Par 3 golf hole. It's also the length of an American Football pitch (not including the end bits)

Dialling 100 in the UK gets you through to the operator, but in Greece, India and Israel you'd get the police. In Belgium, you'd get through to the ambulance and fire departments.

Ok, so 100 isn't any more exciting than 52 was, but at least I didn't miss it this time. Thanks for sticking with the blog loyal readers.

What can you expect form the next 100? My two day racing extravaganza in a couple of weeks time, the much talked about trip to Wroxham and horny Horning, the two new staff members joining my team (and how the training is going). In November there is definately a theatre trip planned and in between, lots of completely irrelevant banter to keep you all amused.

I'll also keep you informed of my egg exploits - poached next I think - and of course let you all know how Bob and Roberta are coping.

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