July 26, 2008

Sarah-Jayne Part III

She's constantly on my mind. Both her and Caoimhe. Must be love :)

I am really looking forward to our break to Norfolk. Another chance to spend time together as a family, this time with scenery I know and love. I just wish these short periods together weren't seperated by long times apart. I haven't even thought about when I'm going to get to see them both again after this holiday.

We have talked about going away for Christmas. At first I thought it wouldn't be possible because of work, but now I'm about to recruit two new staff members it's highly likely I can take the Christmas period off. Would be lovely to take them both away for a week so we can be together at that special time. Doesn't help me plan what we do inbetween though.

Long distance relationships always conjure up two proverbs in my head:

"Out of sight, out of mind" &

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

I can assure you, with my feelings for Sarah - it is definately the latter. Our personalities have enough in common to make being together a wonderful time. We also have enough differences to make sure it never becomes dull. We are not 'peas in a pod', but at the same time we are definately not 'chalk and cheese' I can make her laugh with nothing more than a comical humming sound, or impression of Caoimhe - and making Sarah laugh instantly makes me laugh too. The simplest things can amuse us both for hours.

We don't see each other enough, but being 320 miles apart with a sea inbetween us doesn't help.
We don't talk to each other enough, but exorbitant phone charges don't help.

Sarah is a beautiful woman, a wonderful mum and an excellent girlfriend. I probably don't say any of those things often enough either. I thought the fuzzy tummy feeling would pass after a few weeks, but it's still there, everytime I think about her....

...I love you Sarah x

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