August 22, 2008

Updating the Masses Part II

Another general update of what's going on in the wonderful world of Geoff.

Roberta, Bob the Triffid's girlfriend, is not looking very healthy. She seems to be slowly drying out, even though I'm keeping her well fed. I'm hoping it's not terminal, or that she is supposed to act like this (before flowering again) but I'll have to wait and see. It is ever since we moved office. Perhaps she's not got used to the extra altitude.

My handheld vacuum cleaner is still the greatest gadget I have ever owned. I can't stop using it. One crumb out of place and I've got the cone in my hand. It has to be seen to be believed. I've also started using it as a night light. The glow it gives off when it's charging is strangely hypnotic.

The holiday to Norfolk is almost upon me, and Sarah and Caoimhe are coming with me too. We had a nice chat, cleared the air a little, and I'm glad we're still able to go away together. I honestly think I would have spent the week wollowing in self pity if I'd gone alone.

A month after Norfolk, I'm going to Ireland to visit Tara and her family. I have never set foot on the Emerald Isle before, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it. It'll only be a flying visit, but apparently she's going to take me to Galway for the day. I'm sure one or two pints of the black stuff will be drunk. I can't go all that way and not sample it can I? That'd be rude!

I made the most unique loaf of bread last night I have ever attempted. A basic white loaf, but with a large handful of jallepino peppers added during the mixing process. I was worried they would all sink to the bottom, but when I cut into it, they were evenly distributed throughout the hot loaf. The taste was to die for. The jallepino flavour was in every bite, but the heat of the peppers had been subdued by the baking process. Ok, it was a little bizarre to even consider trying it in the first place, but some of the greatest discoveries in the world came about by accident.

Not much else to report I'm afraid. Working hard whilst the Olympics are on. My two new trainees have come on really well - just in time for my holiday. Doesn't look like I'll be needed to go to Malta, but there is still a small possibility I will. I have the flat to myself for a while now. My flatmate (also my boss) is staying in Germany until his wife gives birth to their first child. She isn't due until late September.

...sorry my life is so dull :)

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