August 24, 2008

The Future's Shite - The Future's Orange Part III

Well I said I'd do it and I've lived up to my own promise. I have run away from Orange and joined O2

I really can't stress how poor Orange's customer service was. I know I sound like I'm going on about it, but they have really got up my nose, on my wick and under my skin. Seeing an advert for them on TV just makes my skin crawl now.

As for O2? took me less than 2 minutes to activate my new SIM, and as soon as I'd topped up by £10 they had sent me 300 free texts. More importantly, free texts includes IOM. Quite right too, it's not as if IOM floated away and entered international waters. Where do Orange think it is? somewhere off the coast of Argentina?

If you are a family member and need my number... ask my Mum.

If you are a friend, and linked to me through Facebook, you'll find the new number there.

If you're a friend, but not on Facebook and need my mobile number - drop me an e-mail.

Ok, promise this is my last rant at Orange. I never want to hear that name again...

...unless it's to hear the news they've gone bust.

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