February 25, 2010

Things That go Bump in the Night

I had every intention of adding a new blog entry a few days ago, but a small incident has sort of prevented me from getting too much computer access. Allow me to explain.

I was heading to work for a 'late' shift last Sunday (late shift is 2pm until 10pm if you're interested). Everything was going to plan, at the bus stop for about 1:15 and a few minutes later a bus arrived. It was one of the coach style ones, so it should be easy for you to visualise the interior: two rows of standard double seats, a central aisle, and overhead luggage racks.

The bus was about half full, but the very front seat on the right side (the one that wasn't behind the driver) was empty, so I was going to sit there. One thing I've learnt about Maltese bus trips is always sit as close to the door as possible in case the bus fills up before you need to get off.

I swung round the bar that was in front of the seat, and....


I heatbutted the end of the luggage rack. It ended just over this seat, and I went into it with full force, enough force in fact to actually knock me down (although I was knocked into the seat so it probably didn't look too odd). I didn't dare look round because I assume the whole bus was sniggering at me. No one bothered to check I was ok, but then again, I don't suppose I would have done anything if I'd seen another idiot do the same thing.

I got to work, but something didn't feel right. My head was starting to throb, and by the time I'd ridden up in the office lift I thought I was going to be sick. One of my colleagues could see the red patch above my left eye developing (I couldn't, we don't have a mirror) and the other co-worker that was just finishing his shift could also see I didn't look well. I eventually stuck it out for two hours, but had to go, I was truely scared I was going to faint.

It's three days later now. The red patch is still there, but the headache has finally subsided. I didn't throw up (thank goodness, because the light in my bathroom is broken, so there would be a good chance I'd miss the toilet bowl) but it did shake me for a while. That first night went by with no sleep at all, the throbbing head keeping me awake, so I'm still feeling groggy, but I can make up for that tonight.

So my advice to any visitors to Malta who plan on hopping on a bus...

...don't headbutt luggage racks.

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