February 19, 2010

"Frying Tonight!"

Oh my, am I in pain. I'm not supposed to be, it was scheduled to be a 'pleasent' day, average temperature, low wind, broken cloud. The perfect day to sit outside the pub, have a few drinks finishing reading a book before I head off to work...

...but therin lies the problem. It wasn't a 'pleasent' day. It pushed 90 degrees in old money and I didn't realise. The first I knew about it was about an hour after I arrived in work when the back of my neck began to feel a bit tender as it rubbed against the collar of my t-shirt. Then it was my left arm that developed heat prickles. By the time I left at 10pm, my face was also begging to be dipped in liquid Nitrogen just to relieve the throbbing agony.

When I got home (after a few beers with my boss) I rubbed cream over every crimson extremity I could find and went to bed. I woke up this morning loooking like a typical Brit on holiday. White lines where my shirt was, and even worse, where my glasses were. It still hurts every time I turn my head, even if it's just by a few degrees.

Today's temperature was back to normal. Still quite warm, but overcast and a brisk wind blowing through. It didn't stop the holiday makers breaking out the shorts and sandals though, and the tour buses seemed to be doing a good trade. I'd moved onto an Agatha Christie book today, although I kept getting distracted, so didn't get far into it...

...the warm weather also brings out the female flesh :D

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