December 25, 2009

Bah Humbug

Today is not Christmas Day. Today is December 25th.

I'm sat in the office now, about to start my work shift. There won't be a turkey dinner, roast potatoes, gravy, stuffing and carefully hiding sprouts on someone elses plate. For dinner I have a frozen Admiral's Fish Pie (with added Omega 3), a tomato cup-a-soup and some instant noodles if I still need something else.

I got a pleasant treat yesterday, a Christmas Card turned up in the post all the way from Ireland. It was a lovely surprise. Thank you Tara x x

I was surprised how many people were out and about this morning. The bus into work was standing room only, and the little pastry windows were open selling pizza slices and pies. There was also a giant teddy bear in a Santa suit waving at passers-by (unless I was halucinating at that point).

Last night, Christmas Eve (no, sorry, December 24th) I met up with a mate in the pub for a few 'sociable drinks'. About 5 hours later I was home with a spinning head and the urge to eat something bad for me.

I've no idea if places open up on December 25th, but whether they are or aren't I don't think I'll be going out tonight anyway. I've made the same mistake I did a few weeks ago, and forgotton to stock up my food cupboards, but I think I have just enough to make a meal of sorts. If nothing else, I have a ton of pasta and jars of sauce I can use up.

Hope everyone that reads this has (or had) a lovely December 25th. Hope to see you all soon in the New Year.

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