October 17, 2009

Holy Grail of the Kitchen Part III (Again)

Look! I had to show you this! It's been two successes in a row, and this time it's captured on camera.

I think the main reason for the success has to be given to the non-stick frying pan. I guess in the past I've always relied on oil to stop the egg from sticking, but you can't beat proper non-stick for making it easy to lif the omellette out of the pan to fold it over.

This one is bacon and cheese. (I cooked the bacon whilst the oven chips were cooking, chopped it up and mixed the bits in with a small handful of grated cheese).

See, I can eat sensibly when I put my mind to it :D

p.s. The rest of the plate is carrot, swede and peas with a nob of Flora light (that hasn't melted yet) A bit of iceberg lettuce and a few rustic oven chips.

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