October 22, 2009

General Maltese Update

Just thought I'd check in with you all, let you know what's happening and upcoming in the world of Geoff at the moment.

Well firstly the weather stil can't decide what to do. One day I'm going to work in shorts and t-shirt and finding myself still feeling decidely hot, but then 8 hours later when it's time to travel home again I'm wishing I'd packed my water-proofs and thermal undies. The worst weather always seems to be in the night though, which helps (but not with trying to get a good night's sleep of course)

Which brings us on to sleep - or lack of it. I've been on a string of late shifts recently, but my body clock is still waking me at 5 or 6am everyday. 5 days off in a row coming up though, so perhaps a chance to relax and catch up on a bit of napping.

I've taken up a new hobby too. It's free, but might get me arrested one day (or beaten up at the very least). It's photographing Maltese number plates. Yes I know that's sad, but it becomes quite addictive looking out for amusing ones. All plates over here are 3 letters and 3 digits, and it would seem most people get to choose the combination they want (assuming it isn't already registered). This of course leads to lots of 'names' and 'words' being used. If I get enough I might be able to turn them into a complete sentence! Snapping a pic of the front of parked cars though has caused a few heads to turn...one of these days the vehicle owner is probably going to catch me at it!

..and talking of cars, last night as I waited in the dark for my bus home, I heard a screech of brakes. Just in front of the stop is a pedestrian crossing and a young driver had overshot the white line as the lights turned to red. He needn't have worried, the pedestrian who had pressed the button had crossed long before the driver turned up anyway. For some reason though, he decided to reverse. Again for no reason, he decided to reverse in two stages. Just when you thought he'd gone back far enough, he shot back another three feet....

...right into the front of the police car waiting behind him. The distinct sound of breaking tail-light was quickly followed by the officer in the passenger seat leaping out of his car and dragging the young driver out of his. What followed was like a scene out of NYPD Blue - the driver spread over his own bonnet, the contents of his pockets emptied onto the roof. I had been warned before that police over here have no sense of humour and can be quite brutal - I can see what they mean.

Think that about wraps up my life as I know it. Still cooking (had a HUGE rib-eye steak for lunch yesterday with a bit of veg, salad and new potatoes. photo available if required). Having my first trial of Maltese post as I've ordered a cheap DVD to be delivered to the office address. I can see how long it takes, and if it seems safe before ordering any others. If it never arrives, it's a lesson learnt and it wasn't expensive anyway.

..oh and I finally tracked down some lightbulbs in a DIY shop near work. over 8 Euros each though! If I decide to change apartments after 12 months when this lease runs out...

....I'm taking my bulbs with me!

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