October 17, 2009

Agatha Christie: The Case of The Missing Lightbulbs...Again!

Well in actual fact no lightbulbs have technically disappeared this time, so there is no need to call in Miss Marple to investigate...

...I just can't find a shop that sells them!

So far two bulbs have gone in the apartment. Both of them are in the small corridor between the lounge and bedrooms, so neither of them are particularly vital. When the second one blew though, I decided to add lightbulbs to my on going shopping list so that I could pick up a few spares in readiness for a third one dying on me. So far, I've been unable to buy one.

First port of call was obviously my regular supermarket, Scotts. I was up and down the aisles desperately looking for them. I tried the hardware section with the brooms and mops. Nothing. I tried the cleaning section with the Jay-cloths and sprays. Nothing. I tried the kitchen section with the frying pans and spatulas. Nothing. In the end I gave in and asked an assistant. With a smile and a spring in his step he led me to the furthest corner of the supermarket (in the fruit and veg section) and pointed to one shelf at the same height as my ankles. "there you are sir" he said cheerily, pointing at a small selection of bulbs.

Well yes, they were lightbulbs, and there were a mixture of bayonette and screw fittings, but they were all 'lamp' bulbs. The smaller sized lights. There were none that were the right size for my needs.

Next day, coming to work, I pass a small 'corner shop'. It's not actually on a corner, but you know what I mean. If we were in Doncaster right now it'd be called 'Awkrights' and there would be a stuttering man behind the counter giving his assistant a clip round the ear. This shops sells everything. Last thing I got from here was a triple pack of mosquito spray.....

...side note. The mosquito spray I use is called PIFF PAFF. The instructions for use on the back state: Directions for use: Shake well and spray on insect for 2-3 seconds for instant kill. For flying insects spray in the air for 3-4 seconds. Do they expect the mosquito to stay motionless while I'm spraying it for 2-3 seconds? In reality you end up using half a can just to eliminate one bug!

...back to the shop. They may sell fly spray, but once again, no lightbulbs. Has someone cornered the market in them? Is someone panic buying them all and is planning on selling them for a profit when the demand hits epidemic proportions?....

...I'll let you know if I ever find any. Hopefully before my flat is plunged into darkness forever.

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