August 28, 2009

Money! It's a Gas.

Two posts in one day, you lucky people!

Not a very exciting one I'm afraid, just a note to say how pleased I am with the 'pay as you go' Euro credit card I ordered just before I left the UK.

Ok, there was a bit of a problem topping it up at first, mainly due to HSBC being a bunch of dillweeds, but once the money was on the card I realised I got a decent exchange rate AND cash withdrawls have a miniscule fee - a lot less than if I use my normal bank card at an ATM.

I found this out on the first day. I withdrew some funds using the bank card and when I checked my online statement the next day, I saw the rate they had given me was a full 2 points below my Euro card rate. They also decided to charge me 3.50 for the withdrawl, depite it being a HSBC card in a HSBC machine.

So all in all I'm a happy camper when it comes to moving funds around. My biggest concern at the moment though is how I am going to pay my rent each month (and any other expenses that need to come out regularly). I can't see it being possible to set up the usual standing orders for transfers to Maltese companies...

...but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

p.s. I have a small red spot on my right forearm. It looks like a bite, but doesn't 'feel' like one. No itching. Perhaps it's just a funny looking zit.

p.p.s. Face going a nice crimson colour again. Legs, despite being on show everyday, are still pasty and spotty.

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