August 28, 2009

Sleep? So What's That Then?

First three nights in Malta are behind me - and I think I've slept a total of three hours...

...and that was last night because I decided to sleep on the sofa instead of the bed.

I knew it'd be hard. I knew I wasn't cut out for prolonged hot weather, but the first night I attempted to go to bed I lay there covered in sweat. Not just a small damp patch, it was an Olympic sized pool of water. No one can sleep in those conditions. The problem you see is that the lounge area is air-conditioned, as is the main bedroom, but I'm in the 'spare' room and the only way to get colder air in there is to sleep with the back door open. Even with that propped ajar there was no breeze to cause a cooling draft.

The second night was no better, but by now I was walking dead. My whole body ached for rest, my eyes permenantly closed. Thankfully with tinted glasses, no one could see I was moving around like a zombie. By the third night I'd had enough so I slept on the sofa with the air-con turned down to 24 degrees. (the temperature without it in the flat was 31, even past midnight). I managed a few hours, it was only the discomfort of the sofa itself that kept rousing me.

And as for work and other things away from the flat? Work is work. I'm still fighting a daily battle with the boss. He never stops. Now he has taken the duty of creating the work rota off me because he wasn't happy with some of the shifts I had alocated. Naturally the rest of the staff were fuming with this, but will they say that to his face? of course not. So I get the earache from them and he lives in ignorant bliss thinking everyone is happy.

I've received an email off him this morning. He's currently in Southampton sorting out the closure of the old office and he met up with the landlord of 'our' flat. The deposit on the flat was paid completely by him, so I had no issues with that, but they agreed between them there was damage in the kitchen and shook on a deal to accept 100 pounds less. He now expects me to pay him the 100 pounds and wants it next week when he gets here. Can you see how infuriating it is being around him? (He forgot to mention the new bread-bin, iron, ironing board, kettle, toaster and cutelry I left behind free of charge). Whilst I was there I sold two of the monitors for 50 pounds and spent it on leaving drinks for the two members of staff that were left there (besides me). He wants that money back too.

So that's it. I should be going to view my own apartment tonight all being well. Other than that it's been get up, bus, work, bus, few drinks, eat, try to sleep, drink several litres of water, get up....


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