June 21, 2009

So Much to Tell, So Little Time

Can't believe it's been 10 days since I last spoke to you all. Then again, if you've been keeping tabs on my busy social schedule, you'd know why.

So what has there been since your last blog update?

There has been a race meeting in glorious sunshine in Bath. All four of us returning to Southampton with crimson faces and empty wallets. We got to see a little of the city centre too, a beautiful place. Reminded me of Chester, only slightly posher and more expensive.

24 hours later it was another race meeting, more glorious weather, but this time in Salisbury. One of the clan sensibly went to Superdrug for a bottle of Factor 50 so at least the scarlet faces didn't get any redder. Such a pretty country course. I really can't figure out why I haven't visited it before considering the train ride was direct and less than 40 minutes long. Maybe it was because it was family day, or perhaps it was the heat, but the queue for the ice-cream van was always three times longer than the one to the bar.

24 hours later and it was time for all four of us to jet to the Isle of Man. From there it was 5 days of catching up with old friends, possibly for the last time. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to (sorry Simon and Laura) but I did manage to see some extra faces I never thought I'd have a chance to meet again. Highlights?

The full day with Ali in Peel. I can't say the double sambuka shots were a sensible idea, but that was a fantastic day nontheless.
Seing the other Ali for the first time in years. One of the people I first knew on the island.

Spending time with Sarah and Caoimhe. Losing at Super Scrabble however will not go down as a highlight!

Meeting baby Evie for the first time.
..oh the list could go on for ever, thank you to the island for making the trip one of the best.

So what now?

Well there is another cricket game on Tuesday for me to visit, then it's back up to Manchester to house-sit and meet up with Tara. That's going to be a lovely few days. Less than a week after that and it's off to London with lumpy Jackie for a music concert....

...and there's still more to come.

p.s. on a personal note, my deepest sympathy goes out to my brother-in-law and family.

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