June 22, 2009

"It's all gone quiet - too quiet", said Custard

I've spent the vast majority of the last two days in bed. It was always planned that way, partially as I'd knew I'd need to recover from the excesses of Fraggle Rock, and partially because I needed to brace myself properly for the horrors that inevitably await me in my e-mail inbox tomorrow....

...but it's too quiet.

It's taken me a good while to realise that whilst I've been away, the road-works have gone from outside these apartments. Well, not exactly 'gone', just moved further down the road almost out of earshot. It makes a huge difference to afternoon naptime.

What is does mean now though is I can hear passing pedestrians perfectly. I can listen to blaring car stereos as they wait at the lights with their window rolled down, I can hear the drunken revellers heading back home from town and surprisingly of all I can hear every cruise ship sounding their hooter when they leave the docks on another voyage.

Funny thing is I don't know which is worse. I know the sound of road drilling and cement block cutting is on the high scale of annoyance, but at least they are constant. When it's conversations, music, horns etc. you become nosey and stay awake to hear what the next interruption might be.

I still use the technique of putting on a DVD at low volume, some film or TV series I know backwards. It's my version of the 'white noise' idea and it really does help. The disadvantage of that is when the show ends it returns to the menu screen and the background music repeats ad nauseam....

...and I wake up humming the theme tune to Midsomer Murders or Jonathan Creek

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