June 11, 2009

Just call me Mystic Meg

I refer you to a quote from my blog entry called "New Friends, New Horizons" from the end of April:

As for Malta, I am being drawn more and more towards it...I fear he's trying to close down the Southampton office. He'd never say as much, but give it 6 months and I'd wager it will be mentioned.

Do I need to explain what happened when I met up with the boss today at lunchtime?...

Good job no one took me up on the wager, otherwise they'd be out of pocket right now. The two staff who would be left have both been offered jobs in Malta (although guess who is lumbered with breaking the news to them). If they turn down the new role, they will officially be made redundant at the end of August when I move over.

So far I've been able to tell one of them in person, and to say he took it badly would be an understatement. He's just moved flat, and signed a 6 month lease - two weeks earlier and he might have given the offer serious consideration. From my point of view, I'm worried about his effort in the office now. What motivation has he got? Would you care about errors or work rate if you know the job ends in a couple of months?

I have the pleasure of telling my other colleague at 6am tomorrow morning. I think this time there is a slim chance he might consider the move. His parents live in Dubai, and he just shares a flat with his brother. He's a keen diver and one thing Malta has in abundance is clear blue, warm water....

...I'll keep you posted.

p.s. As for me, the office closure means nowt. It changes nothing about my move except I will be running the Malta office only - no remote managerial skills required. I also have lost my safety net. If Malta doesn't work out, I have to resign, there is no relocating back to the south coast.

Hey ho. A new challenge awaits us around every corner.

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