June 11, 2009

The Moon's a Balloon

With me heading off to Fraggle Rock in a few days, it seemed pointless doing a 'big shop' or to get a Tesco delivery. Any fresh food wouldn't survive, so I'd only be buying frozen or tinned stuff, and that can wait 'til I get back...

..so what have I been eating for the past few days I hear you ask? Surely not take-aways again?

Well actually, no. I've been going through the cupboard eating all those packets and canned stuff I've bought in the past 'for emergencies' but never got round to opening. You know the kind I mean, tins of meatballs in gravy, Tesco value beef stew, some strange Japanese super noodles (I actually don't remember buying those, but I think they came from Lidl), Chunky Chicken in white sauce, steak and onion pies - even a tin of baked beans with sausages (trade description will be getting a snotty letter from me soon. Baked beans with sausages implies more than one sausage....and I only got one measly chipolata in my can!)

I have one and a half days left to go before I don't need to feed myself. I think tea tonight is a chunky vegetable soup with a thick slice or two of homemade bread accompanied by a glass of orange and passionfruit juice. Tomorrow lunch is the rest of the bread, turned into Welsh Rarebit using the last of the mature cheddar and sprinkled with oregano (ok, I know it should be paprika, but I've only got oregano in my cupboard). Please don't choose to pay me a surprise visit in the next two days....

....there is only enough for one!

p.s. On a completely different topic, (and the reason for the blog title) - if you ever see a loose balloon drifting round the floor I can guarantee everyone that passes it will kick it. Young, old, male, female, it can't be avoided. It's one of the fundamental laws of nature. There was one loose in the pub yesterday lunchtime, and it was lovely to watch it's journey round the carpet :o) Even the old dears who come in for the fish and chip special gave it a whollop.

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