June 09, 2009

Snap Out of It!!

God I'm a depressive aren't I? I need to snap out of it. I have so much to look forward to at the mo.

It's only three days til the boys come over from the Isle of Man so we can do a double header of horse race meetings, Bath and Salisbury. Still haven't worked out how to pronounce 'Bath' properly. Is it 'Bath' to rhyme with 'wrath', or is it supposed to rhyme with 'hearth' with seventeen 'Rs' in the middle?

On Monday I fly back with the lads for one last visit to Fraggle Rock. I already have a busy schedule lined up, but I'm especially looking forward to the Wednesday where I get to spend a full day with Ali. She's not had the best of times recently either, so I think it will be a good chance for us to put the entire world to rights. Well, that's the plan at the beginning of the day - by the end we'll probably sound like Stadler and Waldorf from The Muppets whinging at everyone and everything!

Less than a week after I fly back and it's up to Manchester to house-sit and spend a few days with Tara. Also a chance to see a mutual work-mate from 'the old days' in Stockport. I dread to think how long ago it is since I last saw Jacqui (yes, yet another Jacqui!). Makes me feel old to try and work it out.

You see, that's me being positive - looking forward to nice things. Do you honestly want to know what is really going through my head? It's the part I mentioned above '...less than a week after I fly back and it's up to Manchester...'. That's a week in work after being away from it. The very thought of what my email inbox will look like, or what 'he' will bombard me with as soon as I log on makes me shudder. But as the title says...

...Snap out of it Geoff!

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