June 08, 2009

Where Did I Go Wrong?

Right now I should be blogging about my fantastic trip to the cricket with Jackie and Moritz. Right now I should be telling you witty anecdotes about the wierdos on the bus or the 'Lord' who managed to seduce two scantily dressed girls right in front of us... but I can't.

This time last year, I was writing blog entries almost every day, but right now all I can think about is how depressing work is becoming. My 'boss' has finally crossed over to become an official dictator and it's killed morale across the whole office. Problem is, I'm in the firing line in two directions.

He has at least a dozen things to say every day, and he has to direct them to me, for me to pass on to the rest of the team. Of the 12 things he wants to change, 11 of them are usually unexplainable and will upset at least one member of staff... so guess who gets it in the neck when my colleagues need someone to whinge to.

Worst scenario is when I have a day off. I come in to a barrage of emails from him, followed by a multitude of complaints from everyone else. It makes me dread coming into the office.

Latest trick is he demands to see the rota when I've set it before I send it out to everyone else. First time I did this, it was only for two weeks, but he still sent it back with 16 changes. Not 'suggestions', actual changes. When you suggest he does the rota himself, he claims he has 'too much on, and he's happy for me to do it.' (incidently, his version of the rota caused more complaints and bad morale than mine did)

...and morale is the key to this. Not a single member of staff, either in Southampton or Malta is happy right now. The only one who is smiling is the new German guy, but as he's got his tongue in a certain hole where sun can't access, I've given up worrying about him.

I know I'm going to Malta because I have no choice, but if things don't change soon, it could be a very depressing experience. I really do want to make the best of a bad job, and enjoy the experience, but right now, I have no inclination to do anything for this company....

...ok, be positive Geoff... there is a world of things to look forward to right now.

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Maybe even a better job in Malta?!