May 24, 2009

Off on my Jollies Again

At short notice I'm jetting off back to Malta in two days time. Just for a week to train a new member of staff.

Sorry for the lapse in blog entries, but to be honest, everything is sort of getting on top of me at the moment and keeping upto date on my blog is the least of my worries. A key member of staff here in Southampton has been made redundant, despite the fact we are taking on staff in Malta. The summer bonus we were promised has now been reduced by 50% because of 'lack of funds' apparently.

I have a whole list of social things coming up, almost something every week, but it doesn't help that the work in-between is a string of complaints and whinging from above. Maybe listing them in chronological order will cheer me up:

1. Meeting up with Sarah and Caoimhe for dinner in The Trafford Centre, then spending my birthday in Manchester
2. Twenty20 cricket game with Jackie (spectating, not playing!)
3. Two horse race meetings with the boys from IOM (Bath and Salisbury)
4. 5 days in the IOM
5. Tara coming over and spending three days with me in Manchester
6. Concert in London with Jackie
7. Meeting up with a friend form the quiz show in Maidstone for an overnight stop
8. Meeting up with a whole group of the quiz people for a reunion

Not bad eh?

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