May 18, 2009

I Feel The Need... The Need to Blog

I'm actually writing this under pressure....

Ok, I admit, my blog updates have started to fall by the wayside. It's not that I don't enjoy writing entries, it's just that sometimes my life falls into a deep rut and I find it hard to get out of it. At the moment, I am definitely in a trench.

It's a stupid, viscious cycle I've found myself in. Almost all my shifts are 6am starts which means waking up by alarm at about 5.20am. Have you ever tried to rise yourself at that time? Even the dawn chorus of birds are still gargling the Listerine and tuning their instruments!

By the time I walk into the office I am already asleep, so I feel the need to drink something caffeine based. I can't get close to a mug of coffee, the smell makes me wretch, so I've come to rely on energy drinks...

And therein lies the problem. 6am, drink some American energy drinks, go home at 2pm, try to sleep... can't sleep, the second wave of caffeine has kicked in, but doze anyway. Wake up at about 11pm. Try to doze again, but can't. Eventually drop off at 3am - woken by alarm two hours later. Cycle continues.

I know the answer is not to drink the caffeine, but I also know what will happen if I try to function at work for 8 hours without a kick start....

...welcome to my world

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