May 14, 2009

My Magnificent Octopus Part VI

Another update on the novel....and do people want to know where they appear? I'll do my best to give you a run down.

Ok, I took quite a break from writing. Partially due to other commitments, but mainly due to the fact I had passed on the later draft to a few people, and was waiting for feedback. I finally gave up waiting.

I don't know if that's a bad thing. Perhaps they tried to read it and found it heavy going, or boring, but I couldn't wait any longer, so I pressed on.

My issue at the moment is I have the next three or four plot points to get in, and in my usual heavy-handed way I'm finding it hard to spread them between chapters. I'm so keen to get them down on paper it's rushing the plot. In retrospect that's not a bad thing. I do actually want this section of the story to rush forward (it's the section where DCI Morgen works out the link between the murders) but I think I've done it far far FAR too quickly.

The idea is, in one swoop, he discovers the link between the first three killings, which leads him to discover the potential next victim, but is minutes away from saving him. This leads to the spiral into depression I was keen to write about last time I updated you all on the novel. I'm just finding it hard to make the discovery quick, but at the same time, not appear rushed (or fake) I think half the problem is I am desperate to get to the depression bit, but I'm not an experienced writer to compose the story out of order. I need to know what prose I have created that gets him into that state. Who knows about it, who he's upset, who he's rejected etc.

Ok, Character names (in chronological order - ish) I've included surnames if they are significant

Ali - barmaid in The Swan and possible girlfriend for DCI Morgen
Frank - landlord of The Swan
Jeni - Frank's wife
Ant Desmond - landlord of The Ferry Inn
Sarah-Jayne - Ant's wife
Graeme - landlord of The New Inn
Leah - Graeme's wife
Tara - wife of the first victim
Andrew McWade - workmate of the first victim
Tim Drummond - chief forensic expert
Neville - barman at The Ship
Mark - lover of Tara (see above)
Sleddon & Crellin - footballers playing for Norwich
Gribben, Chapple & Robinson - footballers playing for West Brom
Martin Douglas - friend of victim number three

Think that's it so far, but there is still a Jacqui, Linda and Simon to fit in somewhere :o)

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