May 24, 2009

Start Spreading the News Part II

Remember the first part of this story? A local nightclub a few yards from my Southampton flat wanting to re-open? We have developments...

...and it's victory for the little people! (No, not the Munchkins in The Land of Oz, I mean victory for the local residents)

The application posted to the door of the disused club has 'Refused: 21st May 2009' scralled across it, and there is a notice in the local paper explaining it has been rejected due to 'unprecidented public opinion'.

So, despite the fact we live in a world where residents rarely know their own neighbour anymore and keep their doors double locked and bolted at all times, it seems if people band together they can make themselves heard. Ok, I admit I never got involved, and when I decided to move to Malta I did develop a 'it's someone elses problem' attitude - but I still feel some kind of pride that the club isn't going to reopen.

There is no news as to what happens next. Something needs to go there, and in the present climate it's unlikely to be more apartments, but whatever it is... won't be New York, New York nightclub

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