May 01, 2009

Mayday Mayday

No, not a cry for help, just pointing out we are already a third of the way through the year already. Doesn't time fly.

This is sort of a follow on post from the previous one. Just letting my readers know I have confirmed to the powers that be that I will definitely move to Malta at the end of the summer.

In most respects I am actually looking forward to it. The day to day work routine will be very similar to Southampton, but with the added advantage that the evenings can be more fun and I might actually get used to the warm weather. It's only the little things that hang around in the back of the mind that hold me back. Friends getting further out of reach, the physical burden of actually packing and moving, sorting out banking and bills - you know what I mean.

I made a start yesterday though. I had an eye test at Boots (the first in about 6 years I think), got a new prescription and ordered a new pair of specs - with transition lenses. (They used to be called React-a-lites in my day, but tradenames and copyright changed all that). I even made the optician laugh out loud a few times too. I always knew I should have been a comic actor.

But the main debate about Malta still remains unanswered....

...Do I buy some shorts and sandals or not.

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Definately shorts and sandals!!!!!!!! Well you know, those kinda cut below the knee shorts, wouldn't go any shorter or you'll look like a german tourist.
I'm glad you're looking forward to Malta, it'll be fun :)