May 03, 2009

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

Less than a month to go and I turn 35. Not exactly a landmark age, but it may well be the last one I celebrate in the UK for a while.

This Friday I'm going back to Wembley. No, they haven't asked me back to film more episodes of the quiz (shame) but I'm taking the opportunity to meet up with the people who HAVE been called back so we can all go out for the night. It's only been a week since I saw them all, but already I miss them. I've had the offer of a hotel room floor to doze on afterwards, so everything is set.

Next on the agenda after that is my birthday. Ok, that doesn't exactly require any planning, but it might involve a beer or three. Two days after that I am off to a Twenty20 cricket game with two Germans. I hope to God neither of them ask me to explain the rules.

Mid June, I've booked a week off work and it's back to the sunny Isle of Man for a visit. Think it was last November that I set foot on the rock. I need to take the opportunity to say hello to people before I jet off to Malta, it might be my last chance. Hope I can get to see Caoimhe too. I've seen a few pics online and she's grown SO much. She turns 1 in a week or so. Time really does fly.

Then at the start of July it's back to London for a music concert with Jackie. Really looking forward to that, as long as Jackie Junior doesn't plan on making an appearence two months early. I'm hopeless in a medical crisis.

...and then it's Malta.

p.s. If anyone is reading this who would normally think about buying me a birthday present, can I remind you I'll be having to pack everything up a few months afterwards. The only thing I'll be buying a lot of before I go is DVDs because you can't buy them over there.

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