April 06, 2009

Blog update

This doesn't really count as a blog entry. Just wanted to explain the changes on the right hand side.

You'll notice a Google search box first. This is exactly what it says it is, a Google search box! Use it as a normal search engine. The results will be brought up in a separate window, so it won't close my blog for you.

Secondly, if you scroll down you'll find some adverts. You also might notice the adverts are sort of appropriate to whatever my blog has been about recently. Aren't computer programmers clever people? If you feel you want to visit one of the adverts, feel free. They are official adverts and can be trusted. Again, it will open in a fresh window.

Why are these things here? Well if enough traffic goes through these links I get sent money. Simple as that. Sometimes it's just counting how many 'clicks' my adverts receive, but for some it's just counting how many people go on to make a purchase (depends on the company behind the advert). At no point does it cost me anything, or slow my blog down, so where's the harm?

... should I be ashamed that the first set of adverts lean heavily towards purchasing teddy bears?


Anonymous said...

:O You've sold out!!! Commercial slut! tss :D does this actually work? What if I go onto these sites 500 times a day through your blog, how much money would you make?

Geoff said...

I think they would get wise to that kind of tactic, I think they probably have to be unique hits. :)

I was going to give it a month then check my advert account to see if I've earned ANYTHING. If not, I'll remove it :)