February 25, 2009

Off the Face of the Planet

Bet you all thought I'd dropped off the surface of the Earth didn't you? 9 days without a blog entry, possible a new record!

So what's been happening since my return from the land of the honeycombed chocolate? I spend a couple of days in Manchester before returning to Southampton. Surprisingly I don't have a single tale to tell about the train ride. No really, not a sausage. I came back to a barrage of emails detailing errors the rest of the team had made in my absence. A lovely start to the day.

So, I've held a staff meeting, chance for me to go through the mistakes. Seems no one could defend them, or offer any practical solutions, but at least they've been aired. We wait with baited breath to find out if things improve. I believe I mentioned a long time ago that errors only seem to occur when I'm out of the office.... looks like my theory has more weight behind it now.

My boss/flatmate left me a cryptic note to say he doesn't need the flat in Southampton anymore. That would be MY flat as well. No idea what he means, it could be I need to get a new flatmate, or I have to move out, but until he gives me more details I'm in limbo. As usual he is being evasive.

My DVD player in the flat is no longer operational. I'm now limited to using my laptop or my portable player if I want to watch a movie. I've not had much luck with hardware since I came down South.

I have a new mobile, which I'm still not fully used to, but at least it works. It keeps flashing to say the battery is low, even when it isn't, but other than that it seems fine. Camera is good quality too, so it should be ok for at least 12 months.

My stomach still isn't 100%, ever since being very ill in Malta. Almost everything I eat either causes stomach cramps or passes straight through me. Not the most pleasant experience.

I'm not going to Wales for a break now; seems Sarah can't afford it at the moment. Looks like we'll be splitting up soon too, but it's not as if we're really a couple anyway. We hardly speak, and if I try, she says she's too busy at the moment. Don't panic people, it won't send me into a spiral of depression this time, I never got a chance to get close to them both this time around. As it stands though we are still technically together, but I'll keep you posted.

It's about 3 days to payday and I'm skint again. Not bad for me though, usually I run out of funds about a fortnight into the month, so I should survive this time.

I've had no details sent to me about my TV audition. I was expecting it sometime around Monday. I'll give them another 24 hours, but if there is still no word I'll try to dig out the researchers number and give them a call. I wrote it on a receipt in my hotel room in Malta, but I do remember putting it into a bag when I packed to come home.

During my two days in Manchester I worked on my Magnificent Octopus, got it up to about 85 pages and sent a second draft to my chief proof-reader. I should be getting feed-back on it after the weekend.

Think that about sums up my life upto and including Pancake Day (for which I ate a total of zero pancakes).....

...I'll try not to let 9 days go past before I fill you all in again.

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