February 07, 2009

The Maltese Adventure: The Interview

No idea what day it fell on, so I'll add this as an additional entry. A few days ago I had to conduct an impromtu interview!

A male Malteser had sent in his CV on spec, looking to see if we were hiring at the moment, and with about 30 minutes warning I got a call from my boss asking if I'd conduct an interview with him, and see if he was suitable for a job.

Well he was nice enough - a little bit cocky and full of himself, but perhaps that's the way they have interviews over here. He certainly seemed capable of learning the job, and his english was very good. It did mean me hanging around the office an extra couple of hours, which forced me to drive home in the dark again, which directly accounted for me taking a wrong turn (again). Other than that, not much else to report.

I never found any antiseptic for my bites, all the pharmacies over here only seem to open for one hour a day at completely the wrong time. The bites have almost disappeared though, so I don't think there is a risk of infection.

I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Just as I was dozing off the noise from the streets got too loud to ignore. Friday night is apparently party night in St Julians. By the time it died down at about 3am, the bin trucks were beginning their rounds. It's nice that they empty bins daily, but not when you're trying to catch a few zzz's.

Not in the office on Sunday, so if I can't sleep tonight, at least I can have a lie in again.

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